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Automation of Koronavilkku key code introduced in Helsinki

Publication date 30 Jun 2021

The automatic sending of key codes for the Koronavilkku application has been activated in Helsinki. The key code is a single-use code that is sent by text message to a Koronavilkku user who has been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection. When the code is entered into the application, a notification of possible exposure is sent to application users who have been in close contact with an infected individual during the period when they likely have been infectious.

The automatic sending of a key code speeds up the delivery of the code to the Koronavilkku user, thus informing other application users about possible exposure more quickly. Previously, the key code was sent by a healthcare worker. The automation of key codes therefore improves the user experience of the application and does not require any action from the user of the Koronavilkku application. 

Koronavilkku is a convenient tool for more effectively breaking coronavirus transmission chains. Regardless of improved infection figures and the progress of vaccinations, Koronavilkku should still be kept activated.

Further information:

Otto Helve
Chief Physician
[email protected]

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