Annual lists of publications
THL’s annual lists of publications show all scientific articles and other publications to which THL’s staff have contributed. Publications are listed by publication type and year. Publications cannot be sorted by language.
Availability of full-text articles
Most peer-reviewed articles in category A are in English language. Full-text versions are not available for all scientific articles in English. A doi number or other link is provided if an abstract or full-text can be accessed.
Other categories feature publications mainly in Finnish, but also in Swedish, English and Russian. Most titles in categories D and E have appeared in THL’s own publication series and are available in PDF format.
Browse publications by type
- Peer-reviewed scientific articles (A1)
- Peer-reviewed review articles in scientific journals (A2)
- Non-refereed scientific articles (B)
- Scientific books (monographs) (C)
- Publications intended for professional communities (D)
- Publications intended for the general public (E)
Using the open archive for other searches
THL publications are stored in the Julkari open archive for publications.
Julkari open archiveLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
Instead of using the annual lists of publications by publication type, you can also target your search to all or any of the following collections:
- THL's publication series (collection Kirjat)
- Reference data for scientific articles (collection Artikkelit)
- THL's peer-reviewed periodical Yhteiskuntapolitiikka
- Serial publications and scientific articles published by THL's predecessors National Public Health Institute (KTL) and National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) as well as some of the periodicals from their own collections.
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Printed publications can be ordered from THL's online shop:
THL's bookshopLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
THL publications are also available in epub format at Ellibs bookstore