- Nutrition and food recommendations (Finnish Food Authority)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- Student meals benefiting health and communities - Food recommendations for vocational institutions and general upper secondary schools 2019 (Finnish National Agency for Education)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- The National Obesity Programme 2012–2018
- A high-quality database to support equality in Finland: National and regional integration (MoniTieto)
- Climate change and Health: Adapting to Mental, Physical and Societal challenges (CHAMPS)
- Extracting information from unstructured text data in the Finnish patient data repository with machine learning methods (Aioli)
- Finnish Research Infrastructure on Population Based Surveys (FIRI-PBS)
- FoodStep - a sustainable health-promoting model for food services and early childhood education and care
- Healthy Finland Survey
- Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (JACARDI)
- P6 – Genomics to Healthcare
- The Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT)
- Youth Nutrition Study
Lifestyles and nutrition website contains information about lifestyles and nutrition of Finnish population and recommendations and guidelines associated with them.
Good nutrition, sufficient physical activity and sleep as well as normal weight are promoting health.