Research professors
THL has numerous research professors. Our versatile research demonstrates the breadth of our operations. The research professors are an integral part of THL’s research activities, even though they do not represent all of the research being carried out at the institute.
The professors’ areas of research cover biobanks, the genome of national diseases, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, nutrition, mental health, sleep, intoxicants, social security, child welfare, development of social and health care services and environmental health. The common denominator in all of these is the health and social welfare of Finns, both as a whole and its different components.
Get to know the research professors
Future of health and wellbeing
- Anu Castaneda
- Mika Gissler
- Pekka Jousilahti, emeritus
- Seppo Koskinen, emeritus
- Kari Kuulasmaa, emeritus
- Helena Kääriäinen, emerita
- Mauri Marttunen, emeritus
- Timo Partonen
- Tiina Paunio
- Juha Pekkanen, emeritus
- Markku Peltonen
- Markus Perola
- Veikko Salomaa, emeritus
- Suvi Virtanen
- Kristian Wahlbeck, emeritus
Equal and effective social and health services
- Marko Elovainio
- Tarja Heponiemi
- Unto Häkkinen, emeritus
- Ilmo Keskimäki
- Mika Kortelainen
- Timo Sinervo
- Jaana Suvisaari
Sustainable and safe society
- Pekka Hakkarainen, emeritus
- Heikki Hiilamo
- Anne Hyvärinen
- Sakari Karvonen
- Hannu Kiviranta
- Tuija Leino
- Outi Lyytikäinen
- Pasi Moisio
- Pia Mäkelä
- Ageing
- Alcohol, tobacco and addictions
- Chronic diseases
- Environmental health
- Functioning
- Gender equality
- Infectious diseases and vaccinations
- Information management in social welfare and health care
- Lifestyles and nutrition
- Management of health and wellbeing promotion
- Mental health
- Migration and cultural diversity