Automation of Koronavilkku key code now available in regions using the HAAVI system
The automatic sending of key codes for the Koronavilkku application has been activated in the area using the HAAVI system, i.e. in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, the South Karelia social and health care district, the Kymenlaakso joint municipal authority for social and health services, and the Hospital District of Northern Ostrobothnia.
The key code is a single-use code that the user of the app receives by text message if they have tested positive for coronavirus. When the user enters the key code into the application, a notification of possible exposure is sent to any other users who could have been exposed during the period when the person would likely have been infectious.
The automatic sending of a key code speeds up the delivery of the code to the Koronavilkku user. Previously, the key code was sent by a healthcare worker.
Koronavilkku is a convenient tool for more effectively breaking coronavirus transmission chains. Regardless of improved infection figures and the progress of vaccinations, Koronavilkku should still be kept activated.
Further information:
Aleksi Yrttiaho
Director of Information Services
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
[email protected]