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Christmas can increase tension in homes – help in cases of domestic violence is available regardless of time and place

Publication date 21 Dec 2021

A variety of services aimed at people who have experienced domestic violence provide help throughout the Christmas season. Shelters for victims of domestic violence and the Nollalinja telephone hotline have support available every day of the year for those experiencing domestic violence or the threat of it. The services are intended for everyone, both families and individuals who need help, regardless of age or gender. Many chat services also offer help in the form of conversations.

Telephone calls to Nollalinja have increased after holidays in recent years in the period between Christmas and New Year's, for instance. The monthly number of telephone calls exceeded 2000 for the first time in December last year. This puts the daily number of calls in December at about 66.

“In addition to all that is pleasant, Christmas can mean being left alone in a violent atmosphere, controlling behaviour, or unreasonable pressure”, observes Elisa Niklander, Senior Specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

Shelters for domestic violence victims offer help regardless of the place of residence – also at Christmas

Finland has 29 shelters for victims of domestic violence serving customers around the clock. In the coronavirus period there has been greater fluctuation in the numbers of customers than usual. Last year the number of adult residents rose slightly in the shelters for victims of domestic violence, but the number of children declined. This partly suggests that distress in families with children may have been kept hidden away, with fewer people opting to seek help in shelters, or having the opportunity to do so.

The need for the service in recent years has been evident in shelters in January after the holidays, with spots filling up gradually as people return to their everyday lives early in the year.

In Finland shelters for victims of domestic violence operate as a network, and space can always be found. In Finland it is possible to apply for housing in any shelter regardless of one’s place of residence. 

“This is good to keep in mind, especially at Christmas when situations can escalate while visiting another locality. It is possible to ask about available space at Nollalinja or directly from the nearest shelter”, says Suvi Nipuli, Development Manager at THL.

“Both families and customers arriving alone spend their Christmas in shelters for victims of domestic violence Christmas in shelters takes place under conditions in a traditional home-like manner”, Nipuli adds.

People close to a person who has experienced violence can also call Nollalinja

The telephone number of the Nollalinja helpline is 080 005 005. The staff on duty at Nollalinja are professionals in work against violence, serving customers in Finnish, Swedish and English. 

In addition, an interpretation service enables discussions in Russian, Arabic, Somali, Dari, Farsi and Sorani. The professionals answering the calls have up-to-date knowledge of which of the shelters have space available and extensive knowledge of other sources of help in Finland.

More information on services that help victims of domestic violence:

Further information:

Elisa Niklander
Senior Specialist, Nollalinja
tel. +358 29 524 7097
[email protected] 

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