COVID-19 epidemic is not yet over - stay at home if you are sick, and remember basic guidelines to prevent transmission
COVID-19 vaccinations are continuing well in Finland, and many have already been vaccinated twice. However, the epidemic is not yet over, and everyone can help prevent transmission through their own behaviour.
As the epidemic continues, individual responsibility is underscored. Each person would do well to follow the instructions and recommendations of local officials. It is also each person's responsibility to evaluate the risk of infection linked with different situations and to adjust their behaviour accordingly.
Stay at home if you are sick, and follow hygiene instructions
Even those who are vaccinated should wash their hands often with soap and water. Cough in your sleeve or in a handkerchief, not in your hands.
If you have even mild symptoms suggesting infection with coronavirus, or some other respiratory infection, stay at home until you are well. By doing so you, can prevent the spread of other infections as well.
THL recommends using a mask especially in public indoor spaces where maintaining a distance to other people is difficult. For example, it is still a good idea to wear a mask on public transport. Use a mask especially if you are not fully vaccinated.
Keeping a distance to other people in public indoor spaces is also important.
All the same basic instructions also prevent the spread of other respiratory infections, such as influenza.
The Koronavilkku mobile app, which was designed to help break coronavirus infection chains, should be kept on and the instructions that it gives are worth following. The importance of Koronavilkku is underscored as people move around more and encounter strangers.
Follow the recommendations of health authorities in your own area
Regional authorities can issue tougher recommendations in their areas based on the local epidemic situation. In such a situation it is important to follow regional recommendations.
Stay at home if you have symptoms that are consistent with a COVID-19 infection. If the symptoms get worse, visit a doctor. Check the instructions given by your municipality on being tested for coronavirus and act accordingly.
Vaccine is the best protection against COVID-19 disease
The best way to protect yourself against the COVID-19 disease is to take the recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. In Finland all those who are 12 years and older may get their vaccine from their own municipality. A full series of vaccinations, usually comprising two doses, gives effective protection against a serious form of the disease.
For the elderly, for those living in institutions and care homes, and for medical high-risk groups 1 and 2, a third dose of the vaccine is being offered to boost the protection that the vaccine offers.
Transmission and protection – COVID-19
Further information:
Hannu Kiviranta
Research Professor
[email protected]