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Domestic violence experienced by disabled people is being examined for the first time - reply to the survey

Publication date 12 May 2021

The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has, together with the Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (Invalidiliitto) and The Threshold Association, opened a survey to examine domestic violence experienced by disabled people. 

The survey is open from 10 May to 30 June 2021. The survey is intended for disabled persons aged 18 or over. Responses are given anonymously, and no personal data is collected. 

The survey is part of a study that examines domestic violence experienced by children, young people, and adults with disabilities, for the first time in Finland. The study examines the prevalence of domestic violence and the availability of services for these groups. Additional focus of the study lies on forms of domestic violence, its prevalence, the consequences of domestic violence, and the ways and targets of seeking help. In addition, the study examines risk factors that expose people with disabilities to domestic violence and possibly prevent them from reporting the violence they have experienced, or prevent them from accessing the services.

"There is no researched data on domestic violence experienced by people with disabilities. Domestic violence may not always even be recognised. This data is urgently needed," says Maria Valtokari, Development Manager at the National Institute for Health and Welfare. "Based on the researched data, it is possible to develop measures to identify, prevent, and address domestic violence.”

The results of the study and the subsequent recommendations will be published by the beginning of 2022.

More information about the study and the survey

Frequency of domestic violence experienced by disabled persons and availability of services

Contact details

Minna-Liisa Luoma
Leading Expert, Horisontal Activities
National Institute for Health and Welfare
tel. +358 29 524 7260
Email: [email protected] 

Maria Valtokari
Development Manager
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Tel. +358 29 524 8203
[email protected]

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