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Information from the THL corona map and the open interface on cases of COVID-19 to be updated once a week as of Thursday, 7 April

Publication date 6 Apr 2022

The corona map, the open interface for data on cases of COVID-19, and the case cube will be updated once a week every Thursday as of Thursday, 7 April 2022. Information on patients who are hospitalised will continue to be updated Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. All aforementioned information will continue to be entered in the THL corona map – the pages reporting on COVID-19 cases, the hospital care situation, and deaths.

The reason for the update is the change in practices for testing for the coronavirus. Those with symptoms are not taking official laboratory tests as frequently as they used to. In line with new instructions, COVID-19 home tests are being used. Reporting statistical data in one-week periods is also a more reliable way of Identifying trends than when daily figures are used.

Positive results from home tests do not appear in coronavirus cases reported by THL because only official laboratory results are reported to the Finnish National Infectious Diseases Register maintained by THL. This means that a large proportion of coronavirus cases are excluded from the reporting, and the Finnish National Infectious Diseases Register reflects the real number of cases less accurately than before.  

Although the coronavirus is prevalent in the population, the COVID-19 vaccines offer good protection against very serious forms of the disease which require hospitalisation.

Further information:

Otto Helve
Chief Physician
[email protected]

Tuula Hannila-Handelberg
Chief Physician
[email protected] 

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