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Mika Salminen is the new Director General of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Publication date 9 Nov 2023

Mika Salminen.

The new Director General of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is Mika Salminen, Doctor of Philosophy. Salminen currently works as the Director of the THL's Department of Public Health and Welfare. He will take office as Executive Director on 1 January 2024. The appointment is for five years. The Government appointed Salminen 9th November 2023. 

"My most important goal is to maintain the position of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare as a relevant societal influencer whose assessments are widely trusted and who is a desired partner. This requires maintaining credibility, i.e. listening to the needs of stakeholders, continuous learning and preparedness for changes", Salminen says.

Immobility, overweight and mental health issues require solutions

According to Salminen, physical inactivity, increased overweight and, in particular, young people's mental health problems are the most serious public health issues in Finland today. 

"No quick solutions or magic tricks will help with these. We need to focus on increasing the actions that are already being taken in municipalities and wellbeing services counties to promote health and welfare. These include supporting physical activity, cultural activities and communality.” 

"I would also like to emphasise the promotion of planetary health and welfare, i.e. the shared welfare of humans and nature – for many reasons. For example, we know that climate change and the threats it poses are part of issues that burden young people's welfare.” 

With regard to access to social welfare and health care services, Salminen highlights the blatant inequalities between working people and the rest of the population. 

"To solve this, we must, for example, have courage to reform the occupational health system, as the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare has already proposed.”

Wellbeing services counties need time for change

The economic situation of the wellbeing services counties that began at the beginning of the year and the availability of social welfare and health care services raise intensive discussion and concerns. 

"It is clear that a great change like this will not take place without problems. The regions inherit the components of the municipal and hospital district-specific system, and the change will take time to become effective on a regional basis", says Salminen. 

THL has its own role in the social welfare and health care service structure. The institute has several statutory tasks, such as annual assessments of the organisation of social welfare and health care services by co-operation area and by wellbeing services county. THL also produces researched information for the management of social welfare and health care services and tools to support the work of social welfare and health care professionals.

According to Salminen, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare can help and encourage regions to make decisions that are required by the change in the service system – especially to invest in preventive measures in primary health care and strong co-operation with municipalities in health promotion. 

"This must be done, even it means that specialised medical care must reduce the service network and hospitals must become more specialised.” 

Our vision is to be the most impactful research institute in the world in the field of health and welfare

Salminen considers that as the Director General, he has the opportunity to develop the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, but also to have a wider impact on society as a whole and the health and welfare of all Finnish residents.

"It really makes me humble and, of course, also grateful that I am given this opportunity. THL’s vision is to be the most impactful public health institute in the world. I want to promote this vision. Another, and certainly equally important, reason is our excellent staff. I can't imagine a better group of people to work with.”

Fact file

Mika Salminen (b. 1965)
[email protected]
tel. +358 29 524 8454

  • Director General of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare starting 1 January 2024, the appointment is for five years 
  • Director of the THL Department of Public Health and Welfare since September 2022
  • Prior to this, he worked as the Director of the Health Security Department for about ten years and was responsible for, e.g. THL's COVID-19 measures 
  • Has worked at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the preceding Public Health Institute in various managerial and director positions since 1996
  • For example, he worked as an expert and head of the unit at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in Stockholm and in international research tasks in the US.
  • Education: Doctor of Philosophy, Docent (Natural Sciences). Management training from Aalto EE and HAUS
  • Hobbies: photography, reading, boating, skiing, travel
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