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New article is published: "One’s own language and culture are keys to understanding and self-determination"

Publication date 23 Aug 2021

The online Handbook on Disability Services has been publishing an interesting article "One’s own language and culture are keys to understanding and self-determination".

When you have problems in your cognitive, speech or other functions, it is crucial that you get service in your mother tongue in, for instance, health and social services, and that your cultural background is respected.

In the article Ristenrauna Magga shares her family's experience of not beeing able to get enough services available in their mother tongue North Sámi language, when her late husband Oula Magga got a memory disorder. 

During this year’s presidency at the Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability, we in Finland want to highlight the situation of indigenous people with disabilities or memory disorders

Register to our webinar

What obstacles must we overcome to ensure that in the future indigenous people with disabilities or memory disorders would receive language and culturally sensitive services?

Answers will be sought in the seminar “Indigenous peoples – language, culture and life cycle. Disabilities, dementia and services”. 

The seminar will take place partly in Inari, Finland, and partly as a webinar, on 31 August and 1 September 2021.

  • Day 1) August, 31, 2021:
    Human Rights of Indigenous persons with disabilities including dementia
  • Day 2) September, 1, 2021:
    Language- and culture sensitive person-centered support and services


Nordic Welfare Centre, Nordic Dementia Network, Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finnish Sámi Parliament, SámiSoster, Advisory Board for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities VANE and Finnish Human Rights Centre.

The seminar is hosted by the Nordic Welfare Centre, an institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ social and health sector. The conference is part of Finland's Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2021.

Read more: 

Programme and registration


One’s own language and culture are keys to understanding and self-determination (Handbook on Disability Services)

Handbook on disability services vpuutinen - Handbook on disability services