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Nordic webinar: After the pandemic we need to build back in an inclusive and equal way

Publication date 16 Feb 2021

Secretary General Pirkko Mahlamäki from the Finnish Disability Forum summed up our webinar on COVID-19 pandemic and disability leadership: “We must build back society and education in an inclusive way. Human right defenders have to stay on scene.”

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health organized a webinar “Building Back Better – Disability Leadership and the Way Forward” on 9 February 2021. The webinar was organized as part of Finland’s presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2021. It was hosted by the Nordic Welfare Centre and the Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability which operate under the Council of Ministers.

Persons with disabilities experience uncertainty and loneliness

In the morning, representatives of various Nordic countries spoke about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to persons with disabilities.  Senior Adviser Maria Montefusco from the Council of Nordic Cooperation on Disability told about the uncertainty and loneliness among people belonging to especially vulnerable groups, caused by the pandemic restrictions. She reminded that there are regional differences in reacting to the pandemic and that especially children and youth with disabilities have suffered.

Deputy Director General Jaska Siikavirta from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health described the principles of decision making during the pandemic. He underlined that social and health services must be guaranteed also during the COVID-19 pandemic. Deputy chairman Sif Holst from Danske Handicaporganisationer stressed the importance of human rights, participation and accessible information on COVID-19. Disability activist Amu Urhonen pointed out that from the point of view of humanitarian action, disability inclusion is a relatively new issue.

Research reinforces: pandemic has affected more persons with disabilities

In the end of the morning session, researchers Marja Holm, Anna-Josefina Väre and Marika Korhonen from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare presented preliminary results of population studies and of a survey for personal assistance clients. The studies deal with the experiences of persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In Finsote 2020 survey it was studied i.e. whether people with disabilities report more COVID-19 related negative effects on sleeping, loneliness, hope for the future, concerns, social and health care services, and financial situation compared to the rest of the population. In many parts persons with disabilities had experienced more negative effects than the rest of the population. In the survey for personal assistance clients there were reported sleeping problems, concerns and difficulties to seek health services.

Disability leadership to all levels

The commentators of the afternoon discussed the concept of disability leadership: what kind of leadership is needed in the disability field? Maria Montefusco said that disability leadership is needed on many levels, from personal empowerment to political decision making.  Director General Malin Ekman Aldén from the Swedish Agency for Participation told that marginalization had increased in Sweden during the pandemic. Advocacy Coordinator Tuomas Tuure from Abilis Foundation called for concrete influence in the decision making. Coordinator Anna Caldén from Samarbetsförbundet kring funktionshinder SAMS urged to trust in disability organisations and persons with disabilities and take them better in decision making and labour market.

During the webinar it became clear that it is too early to make final conclusions on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a prerequisite of sustainable rebuilding of the society is a continuous evaluation of the situation and research on the effects of the pandemic. It is crucially important that the issue is discussed in a close dialogue between various actors. We want to make sure that in further activity, the meaning of disability leadership and points of view presented in the webinar will be taken into account. 

The webinar's own page: Building Back Better – Disability Leadership and the Way Forward 

Materials of the webinar

For more information

Päivi Nurmi-Koikkalainen
Chief Specialist
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
tel. +358 (0) 29 524 7454
[email protected]

Tea Hoffrén
Senior Specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
tel. + 358 (0) 295 163 220
[email protected]

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