Parenting in Finland - a pilot group for parents with a foreign background aims to increase trust in authorities

Publication date 5 Mar 2021

Ulkomaalaistaustainen mies ja kaksi poikaa urheilukentällä.


The number of children with a foreign background using child and family services has increased. This also applies to the services that investigate or assess the risk of abuse against children. Similarly, the participation of parents born outside Finland in various interventions which support parenthood and families is at a lower level than among other parents. 

"Feedback from different professional groups has strongly highlighted the need for psychoeducational support to parenthood, such as the Parenting in Finland group. There is an obvious need for culturally sensitive solutions specifically designed for the population with a foreign background," says Natalia Skogberg, Research Manager at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL. 

The aim of the group is to increase the safety of children and the wellbeing of families through support for parenthood provided in a group form. To this end, the group seeks to increase parents' trust in authorities and to heighten their knowledge of parenting and child rearing.

“Authorities share a view that the needs of children and families with a foreign background are currently not adequately addressed in matters related child abuse, and we, on our part, are trying to respond to this,” says Taina Laajasalo, Chief Specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL.

"The City of Helsinki is piloting the group this year with the services provided by the City. In the evaluation and further development of group activities, the University of Helsinki and the Itla Children’s Foundation are also involved," Laajasalo says.

The contents that the piloting group uses have been developed in the national Barnahus project coordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, together with THL’s Immigration and Cultural Diversity team and other expert groups with extensive knowledge of the topic. 

To support the piloting process, a handbook on the topic entitled Vanhempana Suomessa (“Parenting in Finland”) was developed. The unveiling of the handbook will take place in the form of a webinar on Friday 5 March 13.00–15.00. At the event, the implementation and objectives of the pilot will also be presented.

Learn more about the event

Natalia Skogberg, Taina Laajasalo. Vanhempana Suomessa. (“Parenting in Finland”) Ulkomaalaistaustaisille suunnatun psykoedukatiivisen pilottiryhmän käsikirja (“Handbook of the psychoeducational pilot group for people with a foreign background”). Barnahus project, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, 2020. 

More information

Taina Laajasalo
Chief Specialist
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL
tel. +358 29 524 7777
[email protected] 

Natalia Skogberg
Research Manager
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL
tel. +358 29 524 7916
[email protected] 

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