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Regulation on EU Digital COVID Certificate to expire – certificates continue to be available in MyKanta

Publication date 21 Jun 2023

The Regulation on the EU Digital COVID Certificate will expire on 30 June 2023. In future, the Certificate will no longer be used jointly by the EU Member States. People can still get the EU Digital COVID Certificate from the MyKanta online service if they need one.

At present, the Certificate is not, as a rule, required for travel purposes. However, it may be required for certain destinations. Before travelling, people should check what COVID-19 restrictions and requirements are in place in their country of destination. Finland does not require COVID-19 certificates.

With the introduction of the EU Digital COVID Certificate, a digital network was built to produce and check COVID-19 certificates in a total of 80 countries, including the non-EU countries that joined the network. The network that was created in connection with the EU Digital COVID Certificate project will also be utilised in the future. The EU and WHO have engaged in a digital partnership to prepare for future pandemics, for example. 

The EU recommends that the WHO take up and manage the EU system of digital COVID certification. Finland will join the WHO certification system and participate in the pilot phase of the system transfer. The pilot will test the compatibility of the EU certification system with the future system to be maintained by the WHO. Piloting will not affect the availability of the EU Digital COVID Certificate in MyKanta.

No new restrictions

The transfer or pilot phase of the certification system will not affect the everyday lives of citizens in any way. This will be a technical change that is considered to be particularly useful for not only COVID-19 certificates but also other purposes in the future. Participating in the pilot phase will also make it possible that the EU Digital COVID Certificate may be available in MyKanta in the future, too.

The transfer of the certification system will have no effect on people’s health data, such as information on vaccinations and laboratory test results. People’s health data will remain in MyKanta.

The transfer or pilot phase of the certification system will not bring any new COVID-19 restrictions or involve preparing for any new restrictions.

More information

How to download the EU Digital COVID Certificate from MyKanta (

Inquiries from the public about COVID-19 certificates in MyKanta

General advice:

  • MyKanta customer service: [email protected]
  • Note: The MyKanta customer service cannot check or correct people’s personal health data. In such cases, please contact the healthcare unit that treated you.

Inquiries by the media

We ask the media to contact the centralised communications channels of organisations according to the following division of responsibilities:

Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela): [email protected]
MyKanta and the issuing of COVID-19 certificates in MyKanta

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): [email protected]
National Vaccination Register maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, registering by professionals

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: [email protected]
overall plan, general guidance, legal issues and legislation

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