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Ten diagnosed monkeypox cases in Finland

Publication date 5 Jul 2022

the globe and a stetoscope.
In recent days, five new monkeypox infections have been diagnosed in Finland. A total of ten confirmed cases have been diagnosed by 4 July. All of these infections have been diagnosed on men. 

Around 5,200 monkeypox cases have been diagnosed worldwide since mid-May. The highest numbers of cases have been reported in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal and the United States. There have been cases in a total of 51 different countries. 

Disease not very contagious and usually heals on its own

Monkeypox is not easily transmitted from person to person, and it is not typically transmitted in brief everyday contacts. The risk of monkeypox spreading more widely among the population is low. This year, most of the infections outside Africa have come through sexual contact. 

Monkeypox is typically accompanied by a skin condition with papules or blisters for which there is no other explanation. Before the skin reacts, other typical symptoms of infection may appear, such as fever or headache.   

Treatment of monkeypox is symptomatic, and the disease usually goes away on its own in a few weeks. A serious form of the disease is possible among patients whose immune defences have been weakened by other illnesses or by medical treatment.  

If you suspect that you have been infected by monkeypox, avoid physical contact with others, and contact medical services initially by telephone before seeking treatment.

Further information 

What is monkeypox? (THL)

Communicable Disease Control Physician

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