The coronavirus epidemic has weakened the health and well-being of many persons who migrated to Finland

Publication date 13 Sep 2021

A recent study by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) indicates that the coronavirus epidemic has particularly affected persons who have migrated to Finland.

Concerns about the epidemic, increased loneliness, sleep difficulties, and reduced hope for the future were more common among those who had migrated to Finland than among the general population. Persons who migrated to Finland also experienced poorer health and quality of life and greater mental strain than the general population.

Financial difficulties and experiences of discrimination were common

Almost a quarter of the respondents reported that the coronavirus epidemic had weakened their financial situation either a lot or quite a lot. The corresponding figure for the general population was just 6%.

‘This is a worrying observation, given that the economic situation of persons who migrated to Finland was often below the average for the general population even before the coronavirus epidemic. Difficult experiences often accumulate in the lives of people who already have a greater social disadvantage’ says Natalia Skogberg, Research Manager at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. 

About 15% of persons who migrated to Finland reported that they had experienced discrimination during the coronavirus epidemic. In addition, a significant proportion of those who had encountered discrimination reported having experienced it on a weekly basis.

Coronavirus epidemic has also had positive effects

Although the majority of those who migrated to the country felt that the coronavirus epidemic had weakened their well-being, the respondents also included those whose had experienced the opposite. Many people said that they had increased contact with friends during the epidemic. Some of the respondents also reported a decrease in loneliness and an increased hope for the future.

Loneliness increased for 36% of persons who migrated to Finland and 28% of the general population, while 6% of persons who migrated to Finland and 2% of the general population said that it had decreased. Hope for the future decreased for 38% of persons who migrated to Finland and 30% of the general population, but such hope also increased for 20% of persons who migrated to Finland, while only increasing for 7% of the general population.

‘This can be a sign of resilience in crisis situations. Those who have experienced crisis situations in the past may also feel more strongly that they will get through this current situation as well. On the other hand, crises can also bring to the surface difficult experiences from the past,’ Skogberg points out.

The results of the report are based on the study ‘Impact of coronavirus epidemic on wellbeing among foreign born population’ (MigCOVID). The study was carried out as a population register-based survey of randomly selected persons who had participated in the FinMonik survey carried out in 2018–2019. Participants in the FinHealth 2017 follow-up study were used as the reference data for the general Finnish population. 

More information

Impact of Covid-19 on the health and wellbeing of persons who migrated to Finland: The MigCOVID Survey 2020–2021

Impact of coronavirus epidemic on wellbeing among foreign born population (MigCOVID)

Coping with exceptional situations and crisis situations among people with disabilities and those with foreign backgrounds – Shaping the future based on COVID-19 experiences

Natalia Skogberg
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Research Manager
tel. +358 29 524 7916
[email protected]

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