The possible extension of the scope of corona vaccination to people aged 5–11 requires careful preparation

Publication date 8 Nov 2021

The report of the subgroup of the National Advisory Committee on Vaccines (KRAR) on the corona vaccination of 5-11 year olds will be completed at the turn of November and December. The report will include the working group's analysis of the disease burden that the coronavirus poses to 5-11 year olds, the risk factors that they face and the benefits and disadvantages of the vaccine for people of this age. In addition, the working group is considering what kind of indirect protection the vaccination of 5-11 year-olds would bring to the rest of the population.

After the subgroup has prepared its report, KRAR will address the issue and prepare a statement for the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). THL will submit a proposal on the topic to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

“The possible extension of the scope of the corona vaccination to people aged 5-11 requires thorough weighing of the benefits and disadvantages. We want to look carefully at all the relevant aspects so that we can ascertain the conditions under which vaccination is necessary and safe for this age group”, says Hanna Nohynek, Chief Physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

The final decision on the matter will be made by the Government. If it were decided to vaccinate 5-11 year olds, the decree would also need to be amended. 

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is still evaluating a possible recommendation to extend the use of coronary vaccines to 5-11 year olds. The decision to extend the sales permit of a vaccine is made by the European Commission.

”There is not yet precise information on the availability of vaccines suitable for 5-11 year olds in Europe. According to Pfizer's preliminary information, it may be possible to start the deliveries of the vaccine at the end of December, if it receives a sales permit for this age group”, says THL Chief Specialist Mia Kontio.

Country-specific differences affect vaccination recommendations and decisions

In some countries, corona vaccines are already administered to people aged between 5 and 11. For example, the United States has announced that it will vaccinate this age group.

"We closely monitor international vaccination decisions and the measures other countries take with regard to the vaccination of children. However, countries make recommendations and decisions related to vaccination in accordance with their own situation. For example, compared to the United States, the epidemic situation in Finland and the range of risk factors that expose the population to the coronavirus are quite different". Nohynek says.

Further information

Hanna Nohynek
head physician
[email protected]

Mia Kontio
Chief Specialist
[email protected]

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