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THL recommends the use of a face mask throughout the country in all public indoor spaces and on public transport

Publication date 20 Dec 2021

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has updated its recommendation on the use of face masks for citizens. There is an increasing amount of coronavirus occurring among the population, which is why THL recommends that masks are used in all public indoor spaces and on public transport, throughout the country. The recommendation applies to those aged 12 and over. The recommendation applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.

It is good to use a mask in situations in which avoiding close contact is difficult and in which the risk of infection might be great. The use of a mask is recommended throughout the country in all public indoor spaces, where there are other people.

"Wintertime increases the risk and the more infections in the population, the greater the risk. The risk of infection is also significantly higher indoors than outdoors,” says Mika Salminen, Director of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

People who do not have protection from vaccines or from having been infected by the disease are susceptible to infection, and their risk of being infected or getting a serious case of the disease is many times higher than those who have been vaccinated.

Especially those who have not been vaccinated, and are over the age of 12, as well as anyone who has health issues increasing the risk of having a severe coronavirus disease, regardless of vaccination, should consider using a mask that also protects the user effectively.

Regional authorities may give mask recommendations for their region based on the regional epidemic situation.

Organisers of various events can also give their own mask recommendations regarding their own facilities.

The recommendation does not apply to the fields of health and social care, education or early education, or work communities for whom there are separate recommendations.

Regardless of the recommendations, each person has the right to decide on their own use of a mask unless the law or, for example, occupational safety and health regulations state otherwise.

Recommendation on the use of face masks for citizens

Further information:

Mika Salminen
the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

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