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THL studies how the cross-border e-prescription has worked between Finland and Estonia

Publication date 24 Mar 2022

The mobility of EU citizens between the member states is increasing. It is therefore important to ensure that citizens continue to receive care and safe medical treatment also when travelling within the EU. In order to evaluate customer experiences, THL and the University of Eastern Finland have carried out a customer satisfaction survey among customers using cross-border e-prescriptions while visiting Estonia. 

Finland and Estonia were the first countries to introduce a European e-prescription, which is a type of cross-border prescription. It has been possible to buy prescription medicines from Estonian pharmacies using a Finnish e-prescription since January 2019 and in Finland using an Estonian e-prescription since June 2020.

However, there is only limited research data on cross-border prescription experiences. In particular, there is no previous published research data on customer experiences.

Therefore, THL and the University of Eastern Finland have carried out a customer satisfaction survey. The aim is to study Finns' experiences of using cross-border e-prescriptions in Estonian pharmacies and the effects of cross-border prescriptions on the accessibility and safety of medicines.

In addition, the aim is to identify potential areas for development of cross-border e-prescriptions and to utilise these in the development and extension of cross-border prescriptions to other EU countries. The results will be published in spring 2022.

Additional information 

Annika Koivisto
Senior Specialist
[email protected]

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