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THL to extensively survey welfare, health and service experiences of the adult population

Publication date 5 Sep 2022


In autumn 2022, THL will carry out an extensive national Healthy Finland survey. A questionnaire will be sent to around 66,000 randomly selected people aged 20 or over during September. Of those selected, 10,000 people will also be invited to a free health examination in early 2023. 

The survey will collect up-to-date information on the health status of adults living in Finland as well as risk factors for prevalent chronic diseases, health habits, quality of life, inclusion, functional capacity, and experiences of social and health services. 

Data from the survey will also be used to develop the prevention and treatment of diseases. Healthy Finland will also provide information for the reform of social welfare and healthcare services: Information collected from 21 wellbeing services counties, Helsinki and the Åland Islands will enable comprehensive regional comparisons. 

"Researched information is a prerequisite for functional health and social services. This information cannot be obtained without people telling us how they are doing and what services they use", says Annamari Lundqvist, Chief Researcher at THL. 

The Healthy Finland survey continues the long tradition of THL population surveys. The survey will examine how the health and social services reform has progressed and what are the impacts of the coronavirus epidemic on both the functioning of the service system and the welfare and health of the population. In this way, services can be developed in line with the objectives of the health and social services reform.

The respondents are obtained from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's systems through random sampling. Each person selected for the survey represents persons of the same age and gender in their area, and none of the respondents can be replaced with another. 

The first results of the survey will be published by wellbeing services county on the THL website during spring 2023. Individual respondents cannot be identified from the answers.  

Separate data collection for immigrants

The MoniSuomi survey, which is part of the THL Healthy Finland population survey family, will also be launched in the autumn. The information obtained from the MoniSuomi survey will be used to promote the equality of the immigrant population in Finland. 

The survey will be sent to 18,600 adults living in Finland who were born abroad. The questionnaires have been translated into 19 of the most common languages. The questions used in the survey are mainly the same as those of the Healthy Finland survey, which is aimed at the entire population. This makes it possible to compare data between different population groups. 

"We hope that everyone who has been invited will respond to the survey as it will improve the reliability of the information. Reliable information will make it possible to design social welfare and healthcare services to better meet the needs of immigrants, for example", says Hannamaria Kuusio, Research Manager in the MoniSuomi survey.

The objective of the MoniSuomi survey is to produce reliable and up-to-date data on the health, welfare, work and functional capacity, service experiences, employment, education and experiences of discrimination and inclusion of the Finnish adult population born abroad.

Further information

Healthy Finland survey
National survey on the health, welfare and services of the foreign-born population (MoniSuomi)

Results of previous surveys
•    FinSote (In Finnish)
•    FinTerveys (In Finnish)
•    FinMonik   

Annamari Lundqvist
Chief Researcher, the Healthy Finland survey
tel. +358 29 524 7283
[email protected]

Hannamaria Kuusio
Research Manager, the MoniSuomi survey
tel. +358 29 524 7657
[email protected]

Healthy Finland

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