THL will provide an update on the coronavirus situation online once a week from June

Publication date 27 May 2021

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) will provide an update on the coronavirus situation online once a week on Wednesdays starting 1 June 2021.

Most of the key figures on the coronavirus situation update are already updated daily in THL’s coronamap. The coronamap will be updated daily also in the summer. 

The map includes information such as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases, tested specimens and the latest figures on patients in hospital care nationwide. A statistics cube on the map also shows the number of coronavirus cases by special responsibility area (ERVA).


Progress on coronavirus vaccination is reported daily on the COVID-19 vaccination progress website. 

COVID-19 vaccination progress (in Finnish and Swedish)

As of 1st June, the hospital districts will report information on coronavirus patients in hospital care to THL on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On the same days, the information will be updated in THL’s coronamap and cube reporting.

Further information:

Situation update on coronavirus

Coronavirus statistics cubes: COVID-19 cases in the infectious diseases registry

Coronavirus statistics cubes: COVID-19 patients in hospital

Lotta Siira
Senior Researcher
[email protected]

Infektiotaudit ja rokotukset Main site coronavirus - thlfi-en koronavirus_en - thlfi-en