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Travelling abroad? Follow our tips to prevent antimicrobial resistance

Publication date 18.11.2024 8.00
Press release

Antimicrobial resistance is a rapidly growing threat. Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics are common abroad and may easily spread to Finland by travellers.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and the Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea remind those travelling abroad of good hand and food hygiene and the responsible use of antibiotics.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are more common overseas than in Finland, and those travelling abroad may easily be infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria through sources such as water or food.

"Antimicrobial resistance is increasing most rapidly in tropical regions and impoverished areas with high population density, inadequate hygiene and extensive use of antibiotics. It is estimated that following a trip to the tropics, 20–70% of travellers carry multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as ESBL bacteria, which have developed resistance to essential antibiotics that are used to treat infections," Jari Jalava, a Chief Specialist at THL, explains.

Antimicrobial resistance is also a burden to the health care system. In the EU, approximately 75 % of the disease burden caused by antimicrobial resistance is associated with health care facilities. Disease burden means excess mortality, loss of disability-adjusted life years and prolonged treatment periods, but antimicrobial resistance also increases health care costs.

Should antimicrobial resistance increase, it would jeopardise modern health care. It would mean that even common infections could be fatal.

Tips for travellers

There are things that travellers can do to ensure they can enjoy a safe trip.

Before your trip

  • Make sure you have the necessary vaccinations before going abroad.
  • Start your trip when you are healthy.

While you are abroad

  • Practise good hand hygiene.
  • Drink only bottled water. Eat cooked foods where possible. Peel fruit and vegetables.
  • Admire animals from a distance; do not touch or feed them.
  • Seek medical attention if you fall ill. Do not buy antibiotics without a prescription.

After the trip

If you fall ill after you have returned to Finland, remember to tell the healthcare professional attending to you about your trip.

European Antibiotic Awareness Day takes place on 18 November

The European Antibiotic Awareness Day takes place on Monday 18 November, which also kick-starts the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week organised by the World Health Organization. Fimea and THL will be participating in the campaign. 

Additional information

Campaign materials for the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

Antimicrobial resistance (THL) 

Antimicrobial resistance (Fimea)

European Antibiotic Awareness Day EAAD

WHO: World AMR Awareness Week  

Jari Jalava
Chief Specialist
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
tel. +358 (0)29 524 6629
[email protected] 

Riitta Niittyvuopio
Senior Medical Officer
Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea
tel. +358 (0)29 522 3451
[email protected]

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