Free format presentation and posters session

Presentations and names we have received

School and geographical differences in the effect of heritable emotional and behavioural traits on educational performance
PhD Qi Qin
University of Oslo

Comparing heritability estimates of socioeconomic status measures in Norway
Mr Joakin Ebeltoft
University of Oslo

Associations between personality and health behaviours
Junior research fellow Kerli Ilves
University of Tartu

Exploring neighbourhood-level heterogeneity in the effects of genes on political participation
PhD Student Oskar Pettersson
Department of Government, Uppsala University

Genetic susceptibility to depression and the role of partnership status
MSc Maria Gültzow
Max Planck Institute for demographic Research

The overlap between social isolation and mental health symptoms: a longitudinal independent pathway model in a nationally representative sample
Ms Katherine Thompson
King’s College London

Evolutionary Psychiatry: ADHD case study
MSc Student Emanuele Esposito
University of Bologna

Understanding the Influence of Social Determinants of Human Capital and Genetics on Labour Market Outcomes in Finland.
Doctoral Researcher Charles Ng'iendo
University of Turku

Does psychological resilience protect against psychiatric morbidity during stressful times? Evidence from health shocks
Senior researcher Henri Salokangas
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)