Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare map application on coronavirus symptom checks will be discontinued

Publication date 18 Oct 2021

Use of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare’s Symptoms Map app for symptom checks will be discontinued on 15 October. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare maintained the Symptoms Map service from 26 May 2020 to 15 October 2021. 

The Symptoms Map was a separate map application operating alongside the corona map, which presented the number of symptom checks per 100,000 inhabitants by hospital district and municipality. Information for the Symptoms Map app were collected from the COVID symptom checker in the service. The service will continue to be maintained.
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The focus of monitoring the epidemic has shifted from cases of coronavirus to vaccination coverage and monitoring the number of serious cases. As the method for monitoring changed, the updating of the symptom checker map application was also terminated.

In the future, information on symptom checks can be viewed from a statistics cube and utilised with open data. The statistics cube allows you to view data by region and age group.

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