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How are Finns doing? THL invites 10,000 people living in various parts of the country to a comprehensive health examination

Publication date 24 Jan 2023

During the winter and spring, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL will invite 10,000 adults to a comprehensive health examination. The invitation will be sent to randomly selected people over 20 years of age. The examination will look at their health, functional capacity and risk factors for diseases that may develop later.

The health examinations are part of THL’s extensive Healthy Finland survey, which began last autumn. At that time, 66,000 adults were asked to respond in the questionnaire phase of the study. Now 10,000 of them will also be invited to a health examination. 

"The research project is a nationally significant effort that provides information on the health and well-being of the entire population and its sub-groups which cannot be obtained from other sources," says principal researcher Annamari Lundqvist

The health examinations are organised in 50 municipalities

The health examinations will begin in January and end in June 2023. Health care professionals will travel to a total of 50 municipalities. The examinations are carried out throughout Finland from Utsjoki to Helsinki and from Vaasa to Joensuu.  

“The data from the Healthy Finland survey can be used to reduce premature deaths and limitations in functional capacity due to key chronic diseases and to develop health care services to meet the needs of residents as well as possible,” says Annamari Lundqvist. “The Healthy Finland survey and its predecessors form a unique knowledge base to support an effective social and health policy”. 

Population surveys in Finland have previously led to significant measures to improve public health. For example, more than 20 years ago, a population survey found that Finns get too little vitamin D. Vitamin D supplementation of dairy and fatty products then became a successful response to the deficiency.

Research participants will receive comprehensive and free health information about themselves

For the reliability of the research results, it is important that everyone who has been invited participates in the health examination – both young and old as well as those who feel sick or healthy.

“For an individual subject, this is a unique opportunity to obtain very comprehensive and free health information about themselves,” says Lara Lehtoranta, physician responsible for the Healthy Finland survey. 

The examination visit will include a blood pressure measurement, taking a blood sample, vision and hearing examinations, tasks related to memory, attention and physical condition as well as a lung function test. The health examination also includes questionnaires to assess health, lifestyle and functional capacity. Some of those invited to participate in the health examination will also be asked to take part in further examinations, such as a dentist’s examination, an interview on alcohol use, and an activity monitor study to record sleep and physical activity. 

Those taking part in the health examination will receive the research results on themselves, including blood test results and information on their personal risk of developing sleep apnoea, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. The subjects will also receive instructions on improving their health and well-being.  

Further information

Healthy Finland survey

Annamari Lundqvist
Principal Researcher for the Healthy Finland survey
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL
Tel. +358 29 524 7283
[email protected]

Lara Lehtoranta
Physician responsible for the Healthy Finland survey
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL
Tel. +358 29 524 8234
[email protected]

Results of previous studies (in Finnish)

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