THL launches Cultural, Behavioural and Media Insights Centre to promote public health and the utilisation of research-based data in new ways

Publication date 4 Apr 2022

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has established the Cultural, Behavioural and Media Insights Centre (CUBE). Its aim is to encourage people to make healthy and sustainable choices and to promote health-enhancing behaviour.

In addition, it seeks to strengthen the position of research-based knowledge in society. 

“Public discussion and debate, especially in social media, can escalate very quickly, and there is a huge amount of incomplete, misleading and even completely wrong information floating around out there. At the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), we promote the use and utilisation of reliable, research-based data in society, and this new Insights Centre will strengthen the significance of this work,” says Markku Tervahauta, Director General of THL. 

Sustainable choices and effective policies

CUBE produces and utilises research data on behaviour, communication, and effective policy measures.

It provides people with the tools to assess their own choices and provides decision-makers with the information they need to plan the most effective actions.

“Behaviours or habits that have a positive or negative impact on health are strongly related to people's perceptions, attitudes and interactions. We cannot always promote sustainable and health-enhancing practices for example by merely providing factual information, , but instead we need a broad understanding of the factors underlying people’s behaviour,” explains THL Chief Specialist Jonas Sivelä.

Research data can be used to influence perceptions on vaccines, for example. CUBE is involved in several international research projects aimed at strengthening public confidence in vaccines.

“In Finland, for example, nationwide vaccination coverage among children is at a very good level, while in many other European countries the situation is quite different. By sharing good practices, we can help other countries and at the same time learn new things ourselves,” Sivelä adds. 

CUBE makes versatile use of research methods from various fields and works in close co-operation with both Finnish and international partners. 

The Insights Centre operates as part of THL’s Communications and Influencing Unit.


Cultural, Behavioural and Media Insights Centre (CUBE)

Examples of projects and activities in which CUBE is participating: 

Jonas Sivelä
Chief Specialist
tel. +358 29 524 7086

Marjo Loisa
Communications Director
tel. +358 29 524 7876


[email protected]

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