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THL receives over 12 million funding for nine projects from the EU4Health Programme

Publication date 12.1.2024 9.54 | Published in English on 12.1.2024 at 10.10
News item

The EU4Health programme of the European Union promotes the utilization of research-based knowledge and solutions to support population health, strengthen the resilience of healthcare systems, and foster innovation in the health sector.

In addition, the program aims to address deficiencies highlighted by the COVID-19 crisis in European healthcare systems, making them better prepared for future health threats.

The budget for the programme period 2021–2027 is over 5 billion euros. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is involved in nine recently funded projects under the program. The EU funding granted to THL for these projects exceeds 12 million euros, with an additional self-financing share of about four million euros. Furthermore, THL is already involved in ten projects funded through previous years' application rounds.

"The projects funded now correspond to several measures highlighted in the government program, such as disease prevention, the development of data repositories, and preparedness for potential future health threats. Additionally, the projects promote the national implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) by supporting the development of necessary infrastructures," says RDI Program Director Hanna Tolonen.

Tolonen is involved in the funded project JAPreventNCD: Cancer and other NCDs prevention – action on health determinants, which investigates the prevention of cancer and other non-communicable diseases by influencing risk factors. These diseases constitute 2/3 of the disease burden in Europe, but there are significant differences in their occurrence among different population groups, taking into account factors such as socioeconomic status, geographical area, and gender.

Other EU4Health funded projects in THL include:

  • MaCoDeExe: Maintenance and Continuous Development of Existing Services under MyHealth@EU infrastructure in Finland
    The project’s goal is to ensure the maintenance and continuous development of services under MyHealth@EU infrastructure in Finland. Currently, these services include ePrescription and eDispensation. THL coordinates the project.
  • Xt-EHR: Extended EHR@EU Data Space for Primary Use
    The project will enhance the cooperation among EU member states regarding the interoperability and exchange of healthcare data, contribute to the preparation of improved primary use of electronic health data, and empower individuals to control their health data.
  • JACARDI: Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and Diabetes
    The Joint Action aims to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in EU countries, both at individual and societal level. The project integrates best practices and (cost-)effective interventions to complement existing policies and programs.
  • EU-JAMRAI 2: Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections 2 
    In the EU, antibiotic resistance accounts for at least 33,000 deaths, 2.5 million extra hospital days, and an estimated societal cost of about €1.5 billion each year. The Joint Action will support member states in their efforts to develop their National Action Plan on AMR.
  • JARDIN: Joint Action on integration of European Reference Networks (ERNs) into national healthcare systems
    ERNs are multinational networks of highly specialized healthcare providers addressing rare or low-prevalence complex diseases. This project aims to enhance the impact of ERN by addressing their better integration into healthcare systems in the EU.
  • EU-WISH: EU Wastewater Integrated Surveillance for Public Health
    The project aims to support activities to enhance, extend and consolidate wastewater surveillance for public health. This will strengthen preparedness and response to cross border health threats. 
  • FinHits: Strengthening Finnish Health Data ICT for Secondary use
    The project led by Findata will promote the use of health data to improve healthcare, research, innovation and decision-making, and to help people manage their own health data.
  • In addition, THL is involved alongside with Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in JA-GHI European Joint Action to maximise the impact of the EU global health strategy.

The target groups of the EU4Health programme are the health authorities of EU countries and other stakeholders, healthcare organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations. The majority of the funding is allocated to various health initiatives and healthcare organizations, but there is also project funding available through open applications.

More information

EU4Health programme 2021-2027 – a vision for a healthier European Union

Hanna Tolonen
RDI Program Director 
puh. +358 29 524 8638
[email protected]

[email protected]

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