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Total alcohol consumption continued to fall in 2023 – large regional differences in sales volumes

Publication date 17.6.2024 10.04 | Published in English on 25.6.2024 at 9.55
Press release

Alcohol consumption continued to fall last year. According to THL’s latest statistics. the total consumption of alcoholic beverages was 8.7 litres of 100% alcohol per capita (aged 15 or over). This is 2.4% less than in 2022.

Total consumption of alcoholic beverages consists of retail sales and licensed serving in Finland, alcohol imports by Finnish passengers, and online purchases of alcohol. 

Overall alcohol consumption has been on the decline since 2007. 

“Reducing alcohol consumption is a good thing that has had a positive impact on the health and well-being of Finns. Increasing the availability of stronger alcoholic beverages will gradually undermine the basis for a national alcohol policy, and thus also for a favourable development in overall alcohol consumption,” stresses Thomas Karlsson, Chief Specialist at THL.

Regional differences in sales of alcoholic beverages

More alcohol is sold in Eastern than Western Finland, and more in Northern than Southern Finland. Sales in Northern Finland (10.5 litres of 100% alcohol per resident aged 15 and over) are driven by tourism while, in the cottage regions of Eastern Finland, sales in South Savo (9.3 litres) and South Karelia (8.6 litres) are also influenced by summer residents.

However, in the wellbeing services counties of Eastern Finland, alcohol morbidity and mortality rates are higher than in Western Finland, so the regions' permanent residents also consume more alcohol than in Western Finland.

“The division of Uusimaa into smaller wellbeing services counties highlighted the fact that alcohol sales in Eastern, Central and Western Uusimaa are lower than the national average. In Helsinki, sales are at the national average," says Marke Jääskeläinen, Senior Specialist at THL.

In the wellbeing services counties of South, Central and North Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia, less alcohol is sold than the national average (7.4 litres). In 2023, the least alcohol was sold in the wellbeing services county of Ostrobothnia (6 litres). The low level of sales in Åland is explained by the alcohol purchased by Ålanders from cruise ships. 

"Regional differences in sales underline the fact that national alcohol policy has different effects at regional level, whether in terms of disorder, accidents or longer-term strain on social and health services. This year, social and health care funding has been cut while access to stronger alcoholic beverages has been expanded. This could also increase the burden on social services,” Karlsson says.

Increased passenger imports and consumption of alcoholic beverages in restaurants – decreased retail sales and online purchases 

The purchase of alcoholic beverages from retail outlets, such as food stores and Alko, decreased by 3% compared to 2023. Retail consumption’s share of total consumption was 75%, so its downward trend influenced total consumption more than the growth of passenger imports and consumption at licensed establishments. 

Purchases of alcoholic beverages from foreign online shops decreased considerably by around 62% compared to 2022. 

“The distribution of alcoholic beverage consumption across the different purchasing channels still reflects a return to the situation before the coronavirus pandemic. Consumption in restaurants increased slightly as retail sales continue to fall. Passenger imports also increased for the second year in a row,” says Jääskeläinen.

Consumption of mixed beverages increased, consumption of other beverage groups decreased

The consumption of mixed beverages increased by almost 15% compared to 2022. The consumption of other beverage groups decreased. 

At 46% of total consumption, beers were still the largest beverage group. Spirits accounted for 21% of consumption and wines for 20%.

Read more on consumption of alcoholic beverages

More information

Marke Jääskeläinen
Senior Specialist
tel. +358 29 524 7654
[email protected]

Thomas Karlsson
Chief Specialist
tel. +358 29 524 7021
[email protected]

Alkoholi, tupakka ja riippuvuudet Main site Sote-palvelujen johtaminen alkoholi tilastouutinen