Completed projects

Our completed projects are divided into the following themes:
- Social and health policies, strategies and legislation
- Public health, health promotion, prevention of non-communicable diseases
- Prevention of infectious diseases
- Services for families, adolescents and children
- Mental health and substance abuse
- Forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry
- Capacity building and human resource development
- Equality and human rights
Social and health policies, strategies and legislation
- EU Social Protection Systems Programme (EU-SPS)
- Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Tajikistan
- Support to the development of Alternative Dispute Resolutions in Albania
- Improving Tobacco Control in the Republic of Serbia
- Strengthening Readmission and Sustainable Reintegration in Kosovo
- Strengthening of public health care delivery system and services and developing mental health care services in Libya
- Support for the Lesotho health sector reform
- Support to the implementation of the Health Promotion Policy in the Republic of Karelia
- Development of Community Oriented Primary Health Care in St. Petersburg
- Assessment and regulation of the child day care services in Romania
- Assessment of the need for continuation of Kyrgyzstan-Finland Lung Health Programme
Public health, health promotion, prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD)
- Prevention and Control of Major Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries in Mongolia
- Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of air quality (Macedonia)
Prevention of infectious diseases
- Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT)
- Nordic–Russian Cooperation on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Containment
- Thematic Programme for Health Promotion and Prevention - Mobilizing Resources for Better Response: Immunodeficiency virus and associated infections (HIV&Co)
- Building Capacity in Prevention of HIV and Associated Infections Among Youth at High Risk (Russia, Latvia, Poland)
- HIV Prevention among Reproductive-Aged Women in Karelia
- Promotion of Good Practices in the Work against HIV and Tuberculosis in the Barents Region
- Planning and Coordination of Multinational Programme on HIV/AIDS in the Barents Region
- HIV Prevention among Reproductive-Aged Women in Karelia
- Psychological and social support to HIV infected women in Leningrad Oblast
- Occupational Health and HIV/AIDS Perceptions Study, Russian Federation
Services for families, adolescents and children
Mental health and substance abuse
Forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry
- Establishment of Kosovo Forensic Psychiatry Institute
- Strengthening and modernising the forensic services in Kosovo
Capacity building and human resource development
- Health System Strengthening Technical Assistance (HSS Project) (Lesotho)
- Strengthening the School Health Programme in Namibia
- Social Sphere Capacity Building in Kyrgyz Republic
- Appraisal of a medical equipment project of the ministry of health and population of Egypt
- Rising the knowledge and skills of nurses and midwives and harmonization educational curricula with Directive (Croatia)
- Support to the development of Alternative Dispute Resolutions in Albania
Equality and human rights
- Support to Gender Equality in the Republic of Croatia (CRO GENDER)
- Support to the advancement of human rights and zero tolerance to discrimination in the Republic of Serbia
- Fight against homophobia and transphobia, Kosovo
- Support to the advancement of human rights and zero tolerance to discrimination in the Republic of Serbia
- Support to the gender equality