Drug Preparedness (DRUG-PREP)
DRUG-PREP - Strengthening preparedness of drug information systems and drug policy capacities to respond to emerging drug trends and challenges.
The overall aim of DRUG-PREP is to contribute to enhanced preparedness and resilience of EU countries’ drug surveillance systems and effective policymaking.
- Identify and assess current needs and responses to emerging drug problems in European countries;
- Identify possible future trends and developments using strategic foresight;
- Strengthen capacity building of national surveillance systems by sharing of experience on preparedness and foresight;
- Translate gained knowledge into the national policy domain, including implementing foresight for strategic decision-making on drug policies.
DRUG-PREP includes six work packages:
- WP1 Management and coordination of the action
- WP2 Research on the current situation
- WP3 Research on the future situation
- WP4 Capacity building of National Drug Observatories
- WP5 Capacity building of policymakers
- WP6 Dissemination
- Stichting Trimbos Instituut, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (NL)
- Sciensano (BE)
- Stichting De Regenboog Groep (NL)
- Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências (PT)
- Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (FI)
- The Health Research Board (IE)
- Urad Vlady Ceske Republiky (CZ)
DRUG-PREP project is funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme – Drugs Policy Initiatives.
Contact information
Tuukka Tammi
Programme Director
tel. +358 29 524 8717
Inari Viskari
tel. +358 29 524 7909
Ali Unlu
Senior Researcher
tel. +358 29 524 7071
Sanna Rönkä
Senior Specialist
Reitox National Focal Point
tel +358 29 524 7369