Current research and projects
Below is an alphabetical list of research and other projects that THL is currently funding or for which THL receives external funding.
- Action Plan on Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Gambling
- A high-quality database to support equality in Finland: National and regional integration (MoniTieto)
- Air pollution exposures at Finnish levels – effects on birth outcomes, childhood asthma and mortality (APPEAL)
- Anti-racism capacity building: accelerating and mainstreaming
- Barnahus project
- Benchmarking system of health promotion capacity building TEAviisari
- BEST-COST: Burden of disease based methods for estimating the socio-economic cost of environmental stressors
- Building a knowledge-based wellbeing economy in Finland – a project to develop policy tools
- Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia (CAIDE)
- Climate change and Health: Adapting to Mental, Physical and Societal challenges (CHAMPS)
- Coordination for Equal Inclusion
- Costs of domestic violence in Finland (LAKU)
- COVID-19 Coronavirus infection and exposure in households
- Development of the THL Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE-THL)
- Diabetes in Finland (FinDM)
- Digital skills training for health care professionals in oncology (DigiCanTrain)
- Drinking habits survey 2016 – a survey on drinking habits and attitudes towards alcohol
- Drugs and pregnancy
- Economic and social sustainability across time and space in an ageing society (SustAgeable)
- ESTER Preterm birth, pregnancy and offspring health in adult life
- EUDA's Finnish Focal Point
- European Joint Action to maximise the Impact of the EU Global Health strategy (JA GHI)
- Extended EHR@EU Data Space for Primary Use (Xt-EHR)
- Extracting information from unstructured text data in the Finnish patient data repository with machine learning methods (Aioli)
- FINGER – research project
- Finnish Research Infrastructure on Population Based Surveys (FIRI-PBS)
- FinRegistry
- FoodStep - a sustainable health-promoting model for food services and early childhood education and care
- For whom are health systems designed? Political determinants of health and equity in the context of a health system reform in Finland (POLDEQUITY)
- Global Domestic Violence Shelter Pilot Study
- Good leadership of digitalizing work from the perspective of health and social care professionals (eLead)
- Health and wellbeing of prisoners: The Wattu IV Prison Population Study Finland
- Healthy Finland Survey
- Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (HBCS) - Idefix
- Helsinki Prodromal Study (HPS)
- Helsinki Psychotherapy Study
- Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults (HeSVA)
- Icehearts longitudinal study
- Immune responses to emerging viruses
- Impacts of the coronavirus epidemic on experiences of domestic violence and the use of services (KOVÄ)
- Implementation of ICD-11 in Finland
- INVEST flagship – Inequalities, Interventions and a New Welfare State
- IPS – Individual Placement and Support project
- Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (JACARDI)
- Maintenance and Continuous Development of Existing Services under MyHealth@EU infrastructure in Finland (MaCoDeExSe)
- Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)
- Mental health and social disadvantage over the early life course: investigation into genes, families and living conditions (MEDIG)
- Mining of wastewater metagenomic data to identify population health and disease trends (MiWaGen)
- Monitoring Digital Healthcare and Social welfare
- MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context (MOOD), Horizon 2020
- National coordination of rare diseases
- National Mental Health Strategy 2020-2030
- National survey on health, well-being and service use among foreign-born population (MoniSuomi)
- Non-Violent Childhoods Action Plan
- Nordic Children and Adults Born Preterm (NORDCAP)
- Nordic eHealth Research Network (NeRN)
- Out of Despair - providing solutions to break the pathways leading to violent, suicidal and drug-induced deaths of young people (Young Despair)
- P6 – Genomics to Healthcare
- Path to Safety study
- PERFECT – PERFormance, Effectiveness and Cost of Treatment episodes
- Programme for suicide prevention
- Psychosis: risk factors, clinical course and prognosis
- School Health Promotion study
- Searching for information wellbeing: Democracy, inclusion and wellbeing in the information society
- Shelters providing safety (Turvallisuutta turvakodista) -study
- Social innovations in child welfare (SOILA-coordination project)
- Streamlining laboratory procedures, bioinformatics and integrating use of genomic data in infectious disease surveillance in Finland (HaD_SinGen)
- Strengthening Environmental Surveillance to Advance Public Health Action (ODIN)
- Strengthening the capacity of the Serbia’s health sector for communicable disease surveillance
- Stress, development and mental health (the TAM project)
- Study of Individual-level progression of COVID-19 infection (COVIDprog)
- Supportive conversation skills for reception centers - mental health for asylum seekers (TAVATA)
- Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland (RRP)
- Technical Assistance for the Support for Children’s Rights in Turkey
- The distributional effects of social and health care in Finland (SOTE-SISU)
- The European Partnership on transforming health and care systems (THCS)
- The Finnish 1987–1990 Birth Cohort
- The Finnish Gestational Diabetes Study (FinnGeDi)
- The Finnish Indoor Air and Health Programme 2018–2028
- The Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT)
- Tobacco endgame toolkit
- Ultrafine particles from Transportation – Health Assessment of Sources (ULTRHAS)
- Very low birth weight adult health – a sibling study
- Wastewater Treatment plants as a trusted Source of Timely information on antimicrobial resistance threat (TruSTme)
- Youth Nutrition Study - Hankerakenne