Actions taken

This page lists the EU-SPS actions taken in partner countries, for Africa regionally, and in terms of dissiminating lessons learned.
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Download the brochure summarizing actions in Africa (pdf 1.8 MB)
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  • Assessment of organizational capacities for delivering social assistance
  • Pension policy training course for senior policymakers led to a rethinking and freezing of a plan to move to an individual account defined contribution scheme
  • Situation analysis, training materials and video on opportunities to extend occupational accident insurance for informal construction and domestic workers and tuk-tuk drivers (‘SPIREWORK’)
  • Mobile video training for national partners


  • Social workforce capacity development for local government social workers in cooperation with UNICEF, incl. definition of occupational standards and curricula
  • Piloting (in Amhara region) of cross-sectoral team work among new local (woreda and kebele level) social workers together with health and agriculture/food security staff
  • Three Ethiopian Master Trainers trained at the ToT of the African Regional SP Leadership Curric-ulum TRANSFORM. National ToT for 40 new TRANSFORM Trainers. Unicef staff training on TRANSFORM, using a blended approach (e-learning and face-to-face)
  • Video highlighting EU-SPS/Finland capacity development support, including to Ethiopia
  • Mobile video training for national partners


  • University curriculum development and Training of Trainers on Disability Inclusion in the training of local social workers and national SP profes-sionals
  • Disability expert’ inputs into EU-TA work
  • Piloting of a disability specific ‘Baby Box’ for families with children or parents with disabilities
  • Mobile video training for national partners


  • Regional ISPA Training in Malawi on Inter-Agency SP Assessments
  • Regional African Union Experts’ Meeting on SPIREWORK (SP for Informal and Rural Economy Workers)
  • Video on opportunities to extend social protection to informal and rural economy workers (‘SPIREWORK’) in Malawi
  • Three Malawian Master Trainers trained at the ToT of the African Regional SP Leadership Curriculum TRANSFORM. Several national TRANSFORM trainings
  • Malawi linked to universities in Zambia and Tanzania, working on SP Curriculum Development


  • Curriculum development and piloting of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) training program for the SP sector
  • TRANSFORM Curriculum translated into Portuguese. TRANSFORM ToT for Mozambican and other Lusophone African Master Trainers


  • Support to the creation and work of the Inter-ministerial SP Core Team to consolidate Namibia’s fragmented SP systems
  • Assessment of Universal SP in Namibia
  • Inter-sectoral institutional assessment supporting the SP policy development process
  • Video about opportunities to extend social protection to informal sector workers in Namibia
  • TRANSFORM training organized for National social protection policy makers and experts


  • ISPA Public Works Assessment of TASAF, and Webinar on its results, including the nationwide extension of the public works and production of a series of design guidelines for various kinds of public works.
  • SP Curriculum assessment and development for multi-professional SP learning in a network of Tanzanian universities; New MA and Professional Proficiency Curricula have been completed. Videos about University Curriculum Development here.
  • Cooperation with FAO, TASAF, ILO, NSSF and Finnish funded PFP on social protection for infor-mal workers. Video produced on tailoring of SP for workers in the forestry sector value chains.
  • SP Policy review and capacity development with key authorities and ILO, incl. Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme, with EU-SOCIEUX.
  • Five Tanzanian Master Trainers trained at the ToT of the African Regional SP Leadership Curriculum TRANSFORM.


  • Support to national policy assessment and dialogue, using the Inter-Agency Social Protection Policy Options Tool (ISPA-SPPOT) with ILO
  • Inclusion of Togo in the open source insurance management infor-mation system initiative

Viet Nam

  • Analytical work on options for extending social insurance coverage
  • Creation of Vietnamese curricula and institutional and financing structures for previously imported SP course
  • Series of SP trainings for members of the National Assembly, party leaders and senior civil servants


  • SP Curriculum assessment in Zambian universities
  • Development of multi-professional MA and BA Curricula
  • Videos about the SP Curriculum Development project
  • Design and leveraging of a new project on SP for Informal and Rural Economy Workers (SPIREWORK) with Finland, NAPSA and ILO
  • Five Zambian Master Trainers trained at the ToT of the African Regional SP Leadership Curriculum TRANSFORM.
  • Over 200 Zambian SP professionals trained on TRANSFORM at central and local government levels, EU-delegation, Embassy of Finland, CSOs and the media
  • Mobile video training for national partners

Africa Regional

  • Support to an African Union Experts’ Groups working on AU Protocol on the Right to SP, African Social Agenda 2063 and SPIREWORK
  • Support to ECASSA (East and Central Africa So-cial Security Association), including their SP Data dashboard, and SASPEN (Southern African SP Expert Network)
  • Creation and systematization of an African Re-gional SP Leadership Curriculum TRANSFORM, at the request of AU, with ILO, Unicef, UNDP and African SP-experts
  • Development of an E-learning version of the TRANSFORM Curriculum, with Social Protection

Sharing lessons learned and influencing global policy processes, UN, etc.

The THL EU-SPS Team has played an active role in sev-eral UN-level processes, including:

  • CSocD = UN Commission for Social Develop-ment, where THL facilitated expert inputs by Finnish, Zambian and Kyrgyz SP-experts, a pre-paratory webinar on Inequality Reduction through SP, with UN-Women and UN-DESA, and a side event with UN-OSAA (Office of the Special Adviser for Africa)
  • CSW = UN Commission on the Status of Wom-en, where THL facilitated the participation of a Tanzanian expert in the CSW Expert meeting, facilitated a Pre-CSW webinar, and co-sponsored 4 side events
  • Global USP-2030 Conference on Universal Social Protection
  • Global USG Conference on Universal Child Grants
  • EU/AU SP Experts meeting
  • AU Conference of Ministers of Social and Labour Affairs, and a parallel African ‘Post-CSW’ event together with UN-Women Africa