Publications and news

This section covers further studies such as articles and doctoral theses as well as other publications and news related to Wattu data.

González Pérez, Cristina 2024. E-poster Flash SessionAddressing hepatitis C transmission risks: insights from Finnish prisons on injecting drug use, preventive measures, and access to treatment. European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PDF 547kB) (ECCMID, ESCMID Global) 27-30 April, 2024 in Barcelona. The Alphabet of hepatitis viruses session. 

Rautanen, Mika 2024. Poster: Health and Wellbeing of Prisoners 2023. WHO Conference on prison health, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18–19 April 2024 | Mental health and wellbeing in detention centres: prison health is public health.

Levola, Jonna 2023. Presentation: The Health and Wellbeing of Finnish Prisoners 2023 Wattu IV + Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders. ISAM (International Society of Addiction Medicine) 2024 conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2.11.2023. Wattu symposium.

Castrèn, Sari 2023. Presentation: Finnish prisoners’ problem gambling and relationship to types of crime and re-offending. ISAM (International Society of Addiction Medicine) 2024 conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2.11.2023. Wattu symposium.

Koskelo, Jukka 2023. Presentation: Doping Use. ISAM (International Society of Addiction Medicine) 2024 conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2.11.2023. Wattu symposium.

Castrèn, Sari et al. 2023. Research project: Rikosseuraamusasiakkaiden rahapelaaminen: keinoja uusintarikollisuuden ehkäisemiseksi ja tuen ja hoidon kehittämiseksi

Rautanen, Mika 2023. Article: Vankien terveystutkimus antaa mahdollisuuksia heidän asemansa parantamiseen. Haaste-lehti 4/2023.Linkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä

Nissinen, Annika 2023. Article: Vangeilla paljon reikiä, mutta vähän iensairauksia. Suomen hammaslääkärilehti 12/2023.

Laivonen, Petra 2023. Psychosis in Finnish prison population: Associations of gender, solitary confinement, crime type, forensic psychiatric examination and lifetime imprisonment to lifetime psychotic disorders. University of Helsinki. Master's thesis.

This study cautiously indicates that the prevalence of psychotic disorders in Finnish population may continue to be on the rise. However, due to comparability challenges between previous studies, any conclusions need to be made with caution. According to this study the prevalence of lifetime psychotic disorders is four times higher in prison population compared to population outside prison. Female gender and solitary confinement seem to increase the risk of psychotic disorder. High substance use disorder and personality disorder comorbidity among prisoners suffering from psychotic disorders reflects the complex nature of prisoner mental health, an issue needed to be carefully addressed when planning and executing treatment during and after imprisonment.

Raivisto, Anne 2023: Miesvankien keinoja aggressiivisen olon vähentämiseen. Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu. YAMK-opinnäytetyö.