Liver examination survey questionnaire

All those invited to the Healthy Finland Liver Disease Follow-up Study are invited to complete a short survey questionnaire.

How can I respond to the survey questionnaire?

You can respond either online or using the paper form. We primarily ask you to fill out the survey online, but if you wish, you can also receive the survey in paper form when attending the examination.

How to access the Healthy Finland survey
  1. Start answering by going to the login page. Log in to the Healthy Finland survey’s online service here.
  2. Log in to the survey using strong authentication. Press the Login button to start authentication. Follow the instructions provided by in order to access the survey.
  3. Alternatively, you can log in using your user ID and password provided at the top of the invitation or at the top corner of the paper form.

You can respond to the questionnaire in three different languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. 

The paper form includes instructions on responding to and mailing the questionnaire. Returning the paper form by post is free of charge.

How long does it take to fill out the survey questionnaire and what are the questions about?

It takes around 5 to 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire. None of the questions are difficult. They concern things that affect your liver function, such as your lifestyle and your parents' illnesses. If needed, you can take breaks while filling out the survey. The attached questionnaire is not in an accessible format. Please do not print and complete this version.

Liver questionnaire form (PDF 174 KB) 

We understand that not everyone can complete the survey. If you are unable or unwilling to participate in the survey, please let us know.

Participation is safe

The National Institute for Health and Welfare is a public authority that stores and processes data in keeping with its secrecy obligation and in compliance with the Personal Data Act. All persons involved in collecting and processing the data have a duty of non-disclosure. A secure connection is used for the online questionnaire, preventing unauthorised persons from having access to the information. Individual respondents cannot be identified in the findings.