Consent form

On this page you will find the Healthy Finland survey information leaflet and the consent form, which we ask you to fill in electronically in advance. Alternatively, you can fill in a paper consent form at the health examination. Log in to fill in the consent form electronically here.

Information on the liver examination

Liver examination of the Healthy Finland – survey of health, well-being and service use

You have previously participated in the Healthy Finland survey, in which the health and well-being of adults living in Finland was examined widely. In the health examination, measurements and samples were taken and you may also have participated in additional examinations, such as an interview on drinking habits or a dentist’s examination. 

We are inviting you to participate in a liver examination and therefore ask you for your consent. In the liver examination, a blood sample will be collected, an ultrasound examination of the liver will be performed and you will be weighed. The ultrasound examination will be conducted to examine the structure and functioning of the liver. You will lie on your left side during the examination.  Gel will be applied to your right side and the ultrasound sensor will be moved around on your skin. In addition, you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire. You will get feedback on the ultrasound examination of the liver during the visit. The examination will last about 45 minutes. The ultrasound examination is a safe and painless examination method. You may find blood sampling slightly uncomfortable. However, it is a routine procedure and the people taking the sample are healthcare professionals. If you find sampling extremely uncomfortable or there are problems, we will not extract a sample. If you have any questions about the examination, you can contact the research staff. Read more about the Healthy Finland liver examination at You will receive more information about the examination and get to ask questions in connection with your appointment.

Participation in the examination is voluntary. You will not face any negative consequences as a healthcare client if you do not participate in the examination or if you discontinue your participation in it. The voluntary nature of participation, discontinuing your participation, withdrawing consent, and the collection and use of the data have been described in the consent for the health examination you gave previously for the Healthy Finland survey ( All parties and people involved in processing your data are bound by a confidentiality obligation.

All the collected data will be processed confidentially and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. More information on your rights and personal data processing and can be found in the privacy notice.

The survey is carried out by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and it is funded by THL and Finnish research foundations. It has received a favourable statement from the HUS Regional Committee on Medical Research Ethics (HUS/900/2022). The data collected in the Healthy Finland liver examination may also be stored in THL Biobank if you have given a biobank consent previously in connection with the Healthy Finland survey. The examination is free of charge to you, and no remuneration will be paid for participating in it. THL has taken out insurance for the research subjects from Pohjola Insurance under the Patient Insurance Act.

Helsinki, 28 March 2023

Chief Physician Lara Lehtoranta
Responsible physician, Healthy Finland survey 
THL Population Health Unit

Docent Annamari Lundqvist 
Principal investigator, Healthy Finland survey 
THL Population Health Unit

Consent for the liver examination of the healthy finland survey

I have been asked to participate in the above-mentioned examination investigating the functioning and structure of the liver in the population and factors linked to them.  I have read and understood the leaflet and give my consent to the examination described in it. I have received enough information about the purpose and implementation of the examination, the benefits and risks of the examination, data collection and processing, and my rights. I have had enough time to consider whether to participate in the examination. I have not been pressurised or persuaded to participate in the examination.

I understand that participation in this examination is voluntary. I am aware that I have the right to refuse to participate in this examination. I may withdraw my consent at any time without having to give a reason. Withdrawing my consent will not affect my status as a healthcare client.  I am aware that no compensation is paid for participating in the examination. I am aware that my data will be processed confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties. THL engages in research cooperation with Finnish and international research groups and my data may only be transferred to these parties, including non-EU/EAA countries if my identity cannot be directly identified from it. I understand that my data will be processed, and research results will be published in a manner that does not enable directly identifying me.  

With my signature, I confirm my participation in this examination and give my voluntary consent to serve as a research subject. 
First and last name:
Personal identification number:
Receipt of the consent form:
Name in block capitals:
The consent form will be archived at THL. You will receive a copy of the signed consent form.