Vulnerable groups

As a rule, the objectives and measures of the Non-Violent Childhoods Action Plan apply to all children and young people. However, there are certain phenomena of violence and measures that aim to prevent these that apply particularly to vulnerable children and young people.

The action plan lists four particularly vulnerable groups: 

  • Children and young people with disabilities and reduced functional capacity
  • Children and young people in ethnic groups and linguistic and cultural minorities
  • Children and young people in child welfare substitute care
  • Children and young people in gender and sexual minorities.

Research evidence shows that there are a larger number of risk factors in the lives of particularly vulnerable children and young people that expose them to different types of violence. They also have more experiences of emotional and physical violence.

Examples of measures compiled in the theme

  • The rights of children with disabilities will be taken into account  in future when drafting legislation on the client's right to self-determination in health and social services.
  • A national Centre of Excellence focusing on the mental health of refugees and the coordination and dissemination of know-how will be established. The themes of violence and safety will also be taken into consideration in its planning.
  • Safety skills education and safety planning will be increased in the communication practices of children and young people as part of child-specific work and the monitoring and supervision of child welfare substitute care. An effort will be made to ensure that resources are available for the implementation of safety plans, such as facilities and personnel resources for supervised meetings.
  • Continuing education for professionals on the topics of sexual orientation, gender diversity and LGBTQ families will be increased.

Additional information

Ahola S, Nordlund-Spiby R. & Lind S. 2019. Children and young people with disabilities. In: Korpilahti et al. 2019, 421–427.

Castaneda A. & MONET. 2019. Ethnic groups and linguistic and cultural minorities. Luku 13. In: Korpilahti et al. 2019, 428–438.

Pösö T, Lönnqvist T, Petrelius P, Salminen M. & Väkeväinen N. 2019. Children in out-of-home child welfare placements. In: Korpilahti et al. 2019, 439–438.

Telakivi L, Moring A. & Huuska M. 2019. Children and young people belonging to gender and sexual (LGBTIQ) minorities. In: Korpilahti et al. 2019, 449–457.