PromoKids webinar 2023

Promoting Health and Equity in Children of the Nordic region - Focusing on Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023, monitoring and weight stigma

Date: Friday 17th of November 2023 


  • 9:00-16:15 (CET) (Danish, Swedish and Norwegian time)
  • 8:00 to 15:15 (Icelandic time)
  • 10:00 to 17:15 (Finnish time)

Place: Webinar via Zoom application. Join the webinar via this link.

Live event for speakers and invited participants at Western Norway University in Bergen.

Please register for the webinar by 10th of November 2023. 


The Zoom link will be sent to participants who have registered for the webinar.


Chair Heli Kuusipalo, Senior Adviser, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

Ingrid Leversen, Head of National Centre for Food, Health and Physical Activity, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

PromoKids - our story, looking back and plans for the future 
Lauren Lissner, Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Session 1. New Nordic Nutrition Recommendations - How we can use recommendations to prevent childhood overweight and obesity 

The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 in a nutshell
Satu Männistö, Research Manager, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

The Norwegian process of revising the national dietary guidelines after the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations
Eva Rustad de Brisis, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations - How to approach childhood obesity
Berglind Lilja Gudlaugsdottir, MSc in Nutrition Science and PhD student in health promotion, School of Education, University of Iceland, Iceland 


What are the implications of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations for early life, children and adolescents?
Emma Patterson, Associate Professor/Nutritionist, Swedish Food Agency, Sweden 

Ultra-processed foods and overweight and obesity
Simon Erling Nitter Dankel, Professor, University of Bergen, Norway

Food education and sustainable nutrition, 
Silja Varjonen, Executive Manager, the Finnish Society for Food Education, Ruukku, Finland 

Lunch break

Session 2. Monitoring trends in childhood obesity and socioeconomic inequalities – why and how? 

Chair Pétur Benedikt Juliusson, Department Director, Health Register Research and Development, National Institute of Public Health, Norway 

Overweight and obesity in Finnish children and adolescents – Background and development of a national registry 
Päivi Mäki, Development Manager, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

Plans and status for a Norwegian registry for weight and height
Øyvind Christensen, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Health Directorate, Norway 

Social Inequality in Childhood Obesity in Denmark: data from public health surveillance
Christina Bjørk Petersen, Head of Research and Associate professor, National Institute of Public Health, Denmark 


How could we develop a monitor system on children’s height and weight at national level? 
Annika Janson, Associate Professor/Pediatrician, National Childhood Obesity Centre, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

Monitoring trends in Iceland - what is being done and what would be optimal with regard to obesity prevention and early treatment
Ragnar Bjarnason, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Iceland and Chief of Pediatrics, Landspitali, Reykjavik, Iceland

Panel discussion - Can we learn from each other? 
Panelists from each country: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark
Panel leader Pétur Benedikt Juliusson, Department Director, Health Register Research and Development, National Institute of Public Health, Norway

Coffee break 

Session 3. How to avoid stigmatizing children with overweight and obesity? 

Chair, Ingunn Holden Bergh, Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway

Introduction on weight stigma - parents, children, and adolescents
Terhi Koivumäki, Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University, Finland 

The experience of height and weight screening and the association with body image among children in Norwegian elementary school
Tove Langlo Drilen, Clinical Dietician/Ph.D candidate, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Why it is still mandatory to measure children’s height and weight in Denmark
Tatjana Hejgaard, Senior Adviser, Danish Health Authority, Denmark 

How to decrease socioeconomic inequality and weight stigma in childhood? 
Terhi Koivumäki, Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University, Finland 

Closing the seminar
Ingunn Holden Bergh, Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway