Social Sphere Capacity Building in Kyrgyz Republic

Kirgisian dwelling.




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International Affairs Unit

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Increase capacity of the Ministry of Social Development to implement the new program on social protection of the population.


To improve the positive impact of the new program on social protection of the Kyrgyz Republic and the related action plan for 2015–2017 on various vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, families of migrants and men and women in general facing both new challenges in the society in transition.


Enhancing managerial skills of civil servants and professionals  for  better implementation of the Programme on Social Protection.

Training of civil servants and professionals in the topics social inclusion and protection relevant to the Programme on Social Protection in Kyrgyzstan.

Three local girls.


Ministry of Social Development in Kyrgyz Republic.


Institutional Cooperation Instrument, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Contact information

Anne-Marie Grouev
Project Manager
tel. +358 29 524 7031
E-mail: [email protected]