Strengthening Readmission and Sustainable Reintegration in Kosovo



Unit at THL:

International Affairs Unit

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Project aims to facilitate an integrated and comprehensive approach for sustainable readmission and reintegration of returnees.


The objective of the project is to support the Kosovo Authorities in the proper management and implementation of the system for readmission and sustainable reintegration of returnees in Kosovo.


Provision of short term experts (technical assistance) to develop public services aimed at returnees, workshops on social inclusion, designing, public services and strategic management.


Leading partner: Agency for European Integration and Economic Development (AEI), Austria Juniorpartners: National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Ministry of Interior of Austria, Ministry of Interior of Hungary, Austrian Integration Fund. Main beneficiaries is Ministry for Internal Affairs and the Department for Reintegration and other relevants Ministries in Kosovo dealing with reintegration of returness. Cooperation partners in Finland: Finnish Immigration Service (MIGRI), Ministry of the Economy and Employment (MoEE), Ministry of the Interior.


EU twinning/European Commission.

Contact information

Juha Rumpunen