Vector-borne diseases and climate-change in Finland: Mapping, modelling and mitigation (VECLIMIT)


1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023

Unit at THL:

Health Security

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VECLIMIT-project investigates how climate change effects on vector-borne diseases in Finland.


Quantifying the disease risk with vector-borne diseases is complicated as it depends of multiple different factors.

The overarching objective of the VECLIMIT consortium is to quantify, analyze and model climate change -dependent factors affecting the spatiotemporal dynamics of VBDs in Finland in order to predict and mitigate their effects on human health.


VECLIMIT-project includes five work packages that are focused on (1) host and vectors,  (2) disease and pathogen, (3) spatiotemporal modeling, (4) climate change forecasts and (5) intervetion, mitigation, dissemination and communication.


The project is lead by University of Helsinki and alongside with THL other involved institutes are University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä, Luke, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Finnish Food Authority. 


Academy of Finland

Contact information

Hannu Kiviranta
Principal investigator
P. +358 (0)29 524 6361 
[email protected]

Henna Mäkelä
P. +358 (0) 29 524 7488
[email protected]

Timothée Dub 
Senior expert 
P. + 358 (0) 29 524 6177
[email protected]