Unto Häkkinen
Year of birth: 1952
Official title: Research Professor (emeritus)
Tel. +358 50 358 1141
E-mail: [email protected]
Health economics
Primary duties
Health economic research
- 1992, Ph.D. (Health Economics), University of Kuopio
- 1990, Licenciate of Sciences (Health Administration), University of Kuopio
- 1985, M.Sc. (Health Economics) University of York, England
- 1981, M.Sc. (Economics), University of Jyväskylä
Professional background
- 2000–2020, Research Professor, STAKES/THL
- 1997–1998, Visiting Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta
- 1996, Docent in health economics, University of Kuopio
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (fair)
Publications and research
Scientific research articles
- Häkkinen U, Kittelsen SAC, Hagen TP. 20 years of Nordic comparative health economics research. Nordic Journal of Health Economics 2023:11: Special Issue for Tor Iversen
- Häkkinen U, Sund R. What works? The association of organisational structure, reforms and interventions on efficiency in treating hip fractures. Social Science & Medicine 2021;274, 113611.
- Häkkinen U, Goude F, Hagen TP, Kruse M, Moger T, Peltola M, Rehnberg C. Performance comparison of patient pathways in Nordic capital areas – a pilot study for ischaemic stroke patients. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2020; 48: 275–288.
- Häkkinen U, Hagen TP, Moger TA. Performance comparison of hip fracture pathways in two capital cities: Associations with level and change of integration. Nordic Journal of Health Economics Published: Online December 2018.
- Häkkinen U, Rosenqvist G, Iversen T, Rehnberg C, Seppälä T. Outcome, use of resources and their relationship in the treatment of AMI, stroke and hip fracture at European hospitals. Health Economics. 2015: 24(Suppl. 2): 116–139.
- Häkkinen U, Iversen T, Peltola M, Rehnberg C, Seppälä T. 2015. Towards explaining international differences in health care performance: Results of the EuroHOPE Project. Health Economics 24(Suppl. 2): 1–4.
Dissertation/Licentiate thesis
- Häkkinen, Unto (1992). Terveyspalvelujen käyttö, terveydentila ja sosioekonominen tasa-arvo Suomessa. (Health care utilization, health and socioeconomic equality in Finland). Sosiaali- ja terveyshallitus. Tutkimuksia 20, Helsinki.
- Häkkinen, Unto (1988) Terveyspalvelujen kustannukset, rahoitus ja hinnat Suomessa 1960–1985 (Cost, financing and prices of health care in Finland 1960–1985). Licentiate thesis. University of Kuopio, Yhteiskuntatieteiden osasto, Terveydenhuollon hallinto. December 1988.