Hospital benchmarking

Data description of statistics

In the hospital productivity statistics, the data on services (outputs) and patient-specific costs are retrieved from the Care Register for Health Care.
Care Register for Health Care, register description (in Finnish)


National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Department of Information Services.


Data on the activities and finances of specialised somatic health care contain data on the use, costs and productivity of hospital activities broken down by hospital district, hospital, municipality, specialty and patient group (NordDRG Full care periods). Data are at the levels of providers and regions.

Data content

The data on hospital activities and finances are combined to create indicators for hospital activities and productivity by using specified calculation rules.


Service provider (hospital district, type of hospital, hospital, specialised health care unit in primary health care, municipality); THL – International Classification of Diseases ICD-10; THL - Procedure classification; NordDRG Full classification; specialty; service sector; follow-up care.

Data collection methods and data sources

Data on activities and patient-specific costs are retrieved from the Care Register. Hospital cost data concerning clinical activities are collected by specialty, hospital and hospital district once a year, following separate guidelines.

Updating frequency

Once a year.

Time of completion and release

  • Preliminary data are published in September.
  • The statistical report and the final database reports are published in January.

Time series

´Indicator data on hospital activities and productivity have been collected since 2007 from hospital districts and certain other hospitals. As of 2006, the data on hospital activities and finances have included seven specialist-led health centre hospitals, and five more specialist-led health centre hospitals were included in the data as of 2007.

The time series analyses cover five years.


Input, output, productivity, service, episode, NordDRG Full care period, NordDRG Full grouper, episode productivity, DRG productivity, cost weight, weighted episodes, weighted care periods, weighted appointment visits, weighted emergency room visits, casemix, specialised health care, costs, real costs, deflated costs, type of hospital, Benchmarking.

Data collection

Data on hospital activities and productivity (Benchmarking data)