Influenza A, influenza B, and RSV in wastewater

THL started monitoring influenza A, influenza B and RSV in Finnish wastewater in addition to coronavirus starting in 31 July 2023. The amount of respiratory viruses is studied by measuring the viral RNA of these viruses in untreated wastewater. The results of the monitoring are presented on this page.

Municipalities involved in the monitoring

The following figures show the measured amounts of influenza A, influenza B and RSV RNA among the monitored areas, starting from 31 July 2023. 

Influenza A, influenza B, and RS-virus results from wastewater are presented in three panels, divided by localities: 

  • The uppermost panel shows the influenza A results 
  • The middle panel shows the influenza B results 
  • The bottom panel shows the results of RSV 

Espoo, Blominmäki 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Espoo, Vantaa (western part), Kirkkonummi, Kauniainen, Siuntio 
  • Number of residents within the network: 390,000 

 Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Blominmäki wastewater treatment plant in Espoo. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Helsinki, Viikinmäki 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Helsinki, Järvenpää, Kerava, Mäntsälä (southern part), Pornainen, Sipoo, Tuusula, Vantaa (eastern and central part) 
  • Number of residents within the network: 860,000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Viinimäki wastewater treatment plant in Helsinki. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Jyväskylä, Nenäinniemi 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Jyväskylä, Laukaa, Muurame, Uurainen 
  • Number of residents within the network: 155,000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Nenäinniemi wastewater treatment plant in Jyväskylä. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Joensuu, Kuhasalo 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Joensuu, Kontiolahti, Liperi, Polvijärvi 
  • Number of residents within the network: 98 000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Kuhasalo wastewater treatment plant in Joensuu. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Kuopio, Lehtoniemi 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Kuopio 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Lehtoniemi wastewater treatment plant in Kuopio. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Oulu, Taskila 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Ii, Muhos, Oulu, Utajärvi 
  • Number of residents within the network: 200,000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Taskila wastewater treatment plant in Oulu. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Rovaniemi, Alakorkalo 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Rovaniemi  
  • Number of residents within the network: 55 000  

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Alakorkalo wastewater treatment plant in Rovaniemi. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Tampere, Viinikanlahti 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Kangasala, Lempäälä, Pirkkala, Tampere 
  • Number of residents within the network: 200,000 
  • Number of residents within the network: 91 000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Viinikanlahti wastewater treatment plant in Tampere. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Turku, Kakolanmäki 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Aura, Kaarina, Lieto, Marttila, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Oripää, Paimio, Pöytyä, Raisio, Rusko, Turku 
  • Number of residents within the network: 300,000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Kakolanmäki wastewater treatment plant in Turku. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Vaasa, Pått 

  • Wastewater network municipalities: Vaasa, Mustasaari, Maalahti 
  • Number of residents within the network: 70 000 

Statistical graph showing the results of wastewater monitoring at the Pått wastewater treatment plant in Vaasa. The values for the viral load in the wastewater can be found in the excel file at the bottom of the page.

Figure legend

  • Not detected: No traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected in the wastewater sample
  • Result uncertain: Small traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected, but the result was inconclusive
  • Detected, below limit of quantification: Small traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected. The RNA amount surpassed the limit of detection, but was below the limit of quantification. The reported value is the RNA amount equal to half the limit and quantification, normalized by the incoming flow from the monitoring period of the sample.
  • Detected, above the limit of quantification: The detected amount of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV RNA normalized by the incoming flow from the monitoring period and the number of people in the area.

Figure data

The data for influenza A, influenza B and RSV monitoring is presented in a table with the following information:

  • Sampling date: Ending date of the sampling period (24h)
  • Wastewater treatment plant: Name of the wastewater treatment plan
  • Location of the wastewater treatment plant: Municipality, where the wastewater treatment plant is located
  • Flow: The measured flow from a 24-hour period in qubic meters (m3)
  • Virus: Tested virus
  • Virus result from the sample: 
    • Not detected: No traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected in the wastewater sample
    • Result uncertain: Small traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected, but the result was inconclusive
    • Detected, below limit of quantification: Small traces of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV were detected. The RNA amount surpassed the limit of detection, but was below the limit of quantification. The reported value is the RNA amount equal to half the limit and quantification, normalized by the incoming flow from the monitoring period of the sample.
    • Detected, above the limit of quantification: The detected amount of influenza A, influenza B, or RSV RNA normalized by the incoming flow from the monitoring period and the number of people in the area.
  • Normalized RNA gene copy number / 1000 ppl / 24h: Normalized RNA number (results surpassing the limit of quantification of 1212 gene copies/100 ml): million viral RNA copies/1000 ppl/24H. Results starting from 31 July 2023.

Download the data in csv format for the figures here