Health services for undocumented migrants

The right to health is a human right that belongs to everyone. However, undocumented migrants in Finland have limited rights to health services.

An undocumented person lives in a country without a legal right of residence. Undocumented migrants are a particularly vulnerable population group whose circumstances are made more difficult by such factors as illnesses and inadequate health care, living conditions and poverty.

Undcoumented migrants living in Finnish municipalities  have the right to essential social care services and urgent health care services. In addition to urgent care, adult undocumented persons are entitled to non-urgent services based on the judgement of health care personnel. Undocumented children under the age of 18 have rights to the same services as children with an assigned municipality of residence.

Adult undocumented persons are entitled to non-urgent services that health care personnel deem necessary based on the person’s health condition and the duration of their residence. 

Urgent care at own cost is provided for undocumented migrants in public health care. The costs of the treatment are reimbursed to the municipality by the central government if the undocumented person is unable to pay them.

Urgent care usually refers to:

  • Immediate assessment and care required by a sudden illness, injury, a long-term illnesses that takes a turn for the worse or reduced functional capacity that cannot be postponed without making the illness or the injury worse
  • Urgent oral health care, mental health care, intoxicant abuse treatment and psychosocial support.
  • Urgent care does not include monitoring a pregnancy or a new-born, or treating chronic illnesses.

The most common reasons that force undocumented migrants to seek treatment in Europe include digestive trouble, musculoskeletal problems, respiratory illnesses and gynaecological problems.

Adult undocumented persons are entitled to non-urgent services that health care personnel deem necessary based on the person’s health condition and the duration of their residence.

Undocumented migrants are also treated at the Global Clinic run by volunteers. The clinic offers free primary health care level treatment to persons staying in Finland who have no access to public health care. However, providing assistance based on volunteer activities is not a sustainable solution for safeguarding the health care of undocumented persons.

Treating undocumented persons is never illegal

A health care professional has a right and a duty to offer health care services to those who need them. Health care professionals do not have a right to report persons staying in the country illegally to the authorities. Health care staff are subject to extensive duties of confidentiality and providing assistance.

Additional information about undocumented persons

Keskimäki I, Nykänen E, Kuusio H. Health care services for undocumented
migrants in Finland. National Institute for Health and Welfare. Report 11/ 2014. (English summary only)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab


Global ClinicLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
Global Clinic provides health services for undocumented migrants. The clinic is run by volunteers.