Asylum seekers
An asylum seeker is a person who applies for protection on the basis of persecution or other danger in their home country or permanent country of residence. In addition to the asylum application, they may apply for another kind of residence permit.
The number of asylum seekers in Finland has varied from year to year since the turn of the millennium:
- In 2019, around 2,700 applications had been submitted by August.
- In 2018, 4,548 people applied for asylum in Finland.
- In 2015, the number of asylum applications was exceptionally high, reaching 32,476. One out of four of them were minors.
During the processing of their asylum applications, the basic services for asylum seekers are provided through reception centres. The Finnish Immigration Service is responsible for reception services for asylum seekers.
Asylum seeker health, well-being and services
Special questions relating to the health and well-being of asylum seekers must be taken into account in the services provided to them. Similarly, aspects which promote health and well-being should be supported.
The health status and service needs of asylum seekers arriving in Finland vary from person to person. The voluntary initial health check collects information on the asylum seeker's state of health and assesses their service needs.
Further information on health care services for asylum seekers in Finland and the provision of these services
THL is providing new information on the health and well-being of asylum seekers. The Health and Well-being Survey for Asylum Seekers (TERTTU) provides comprehensive information on the health, well-being, health risk factors and service needs of adults and minors who applied for asylum in Finland in 2018.
Developing the health examination protocol for asylum seekers in Finland: A national development project (TERTTU)