Situational picture and modelling group publishes its last report on COVID-19 epidemic for now

Publication date 3 Jun 2022

The term of the group responsible for the situational picture and modelling of the COVID-19 epidemic ends in June 2022. The situational assessment report, published every other week, has monitored the development of the epidemic and the measures taken to curb the epidemic, but it will be put on hold for now. The question of what practices may need to be adopted in the autumn will be addressed later. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) will continue to monitor the progress of the epidemic and publish information on the epidemic on its website.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health set up the situational picture and modelling group in April 2020 to produce information on the epidemic and how well the Government’s hybrid strategy serves its purpose. The strategy aims to prevent the spread of the virus in Finland, to safeguard the capacity of the healthcare system and to shield and protect people, especially those in risk groups.

The situational picture and modelling group has published assessment reports on a regular basis as part of monitoring the impact of the hybrid strategy. The first assessment report was published on 15 May 2020, and since then, total of 90 reports have been published. The indicators used in the report include the number of patients requiring hospital care, vaccination progress, the incidence of COVID-19 cases, testing volumes and the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases of all samples. The last report describes the development of the COVID-19 epidemic from the start of the pandemic, i.e. from March 2020 to 1 June 2022.  

Finland is prepared for the continuation of the global pandemic. The website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare will continue to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information about COVID-19 cases, testing volumes, the number of patients in hospital care and many other indicators. 

“The indicators describing the state of the epidemic have developed enormously along the way. The epidemiological assessment has always been based on information produced by the operators in the field, which the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare has then put together for consideration by the working group. I would like to thank all those who have contributed to producing this information, and especially the situational picture and modelling group, which has met almost weekly, for this valuable work for the common good,” says Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki, Chief Specialist at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused considerable concern, suffering and harm to everyone in Finland. Despite this, I think it is fair to say that we have managed this difficult time well, so far at least. I wish to thank each and everyone for this: representatives elected by the people, state leadership, different authorities, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs and organisations and, above all, everyone in Finland,” says Director Mika Salminen from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

On 31 May 2022, the total number of COVID-19 cases reported in Finland was 1,097,810. Over 2,000 people have received intensive care and about 14,000 people specialised healthcare during the epidemic. On 29 May 2022, the total number of COVID-19-related deaths reported to the communicable diseases register was 4,586. The average age (median) of those who have died during the epidemic is 83 years. 

By 1 June 2022, over 12 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in Finland. This means that vaccination coverage in Finland is good by European standards. By 1 June 2022, nearly 88 per cent of people who are 18 years of age or over had received at least two vaccine doses and more than 87 per cent of those aged 60 or over had received three vaccine doses. Nearly 62 per cent of people aged 80 or over had received their fourth vaccine dose.  

All the assessment reports published during the pandemic are available at the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.


Taneli Puumalainen
Director General
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
[email protected] 

Mika Salminen
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
[email protected] 

Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki
Chief Specialist
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
[email protected] 

Action plan for implementing the hybrid strategy 

Assessment reports on monitoring the impact of the hybrid strategy

Information briefings and situation updates concerning the COVID-19 epidemic

Regional information

Prevention of the epidemic

Situation in intensive care (National coordinating office for intensive care)

Webpages of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare concerning coronavirus

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