Policy support
THL's expertise on social welfare and health care is available for the government bodies, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, and international community such as the UN system and EU bodies.
- Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC), Working Group on Health and related Social issues (WGHS): Coordination of the Barents HIV/TB Programme and technical assistance of the WGHS
- Strenghtening Cooperation in the Support to Well-being of Children and Youth in the Barents Region (IBA-CYAR)
- Cooperation in Controlling the Spread of Socially Signicant Infections in the Barents Region (IBA)
- Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS), Expert Group on HIV, TB and Associated Infections: Chairmanship and International Technical Advisor services