Eero Kajantie

Eero Kajantien kuva

Job Title: Team Leader
Tel: +358 29 524 8610
E-mail: [email protected]


I am a researcher in lifecourse health, focusing on how different birth cohorts designs can be used to answer questions important for population health. I divide my time as a Team Leader at Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Professor of Lifecourse Medicine at University of Oulu and also hold a Guest Professorship at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. 

I have been working over 20 years on birth cohort research in Developmental Origins of Health and Disease framework and in particular focused on the health and well-being of adults born preterm. Other focus areas are common maternal pregnancy disorders including diabetes, hypertension and depression during pregnancy and their effects on offspring health.

Our multidisciplinary group includes physicians of various specialties, psychologists and experts in health, nutrition and social sciences and statistics. We use diverse birth cohorts and birth cohort designs in our research that ranges from elucidating molecular (epi)genetic mechanisms and targets of prevention of underlying non-communicable disease risk factors in adults born preterm to studying the societal and economic life-long impacts of preterm birth on a population level in large Nordic register birth cohorts and collaborative studies across the globe high and low income settings. 

Primary duties

  • Birth cohort research
  • Expert tasks related to birth cohort research and lifecourse health
  • Team Leader of Public Health Research team


  • 2008, Specialist Physician in Public Health, University of Helsinki
  • 2006, Specialist Physician in Clinical Genetics, University of Helsinki
  • 2005, Title of Docent in Experimental Pediatrics, University of Helsinki
  • 2003, Doctor of Medical Science, University of Helsinki
  • 1998, Specialist Physician in Pediatrics, University of Helsinki
  • 1990, Licentiate of Medicine, University of Helsinki

Work experience

  • 2023-Team Leader, THL (part-time)
  • 2019-, Professor of Lifecourse Medicine, University of Oulu (part-time)
  • 2018-, Guest Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • 2015-2023, Research Manager, THL
  • 2009-2015, Academy Research Fellow, THL
  • 2004-2009, Senior Researcher, THL
  • 2003, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Southampton
  • 1998-2003, Doctoral Student, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki 

Ongoing projects 

  • RECAP Research on Children and Adults Born Preterm
  • NORDCAP Nordic Children and Adults Born Preterm register birth cohort
  • Register study of people born 1987-1990 
  • Adults born preterm – sibling study
  • ESTER Preterm birth, pregnancy and offspring health in adult life birth cohort
  • Pikku-k Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults Birth Cohort
  • Idefix Helsinki 1924-1944 Birth Cohort Study
  • Numerous national and international collaborative projects. Most important partners include Helsinki University Developmental Psychology Research Group, Universities and University Hospitals of Oulu and Helsinki, Tampere University, Folkhälsan Research Institute, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, International Centre of Diarrhoeal Disease Research (Bangladesh), Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Malawi), Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala University, University of Copenhagen, University of Southampton, McMaster University (Canada), and RECAP and Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration Partners.


Over 450 peer-reviewed original publications in international journals

20 most impactful papers

1.    Metsälä J, Risnes K, Persson M, Veijola R, Pulakka A, Heikkilä K, Alenius S, Gissler M, Opdahl S, Sandin S, Kajantie E. Gestational age at birth and type 1 diabetes in childhood and young adulthood: a nationwide register study in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Diabetologia. In press. This joint Finnish-Norwegian-Swedish register birth cohort paper shows for the first time that both very preterm and post-term birth protect from type 1 diabetes.  
2.    Benum SD, Aakvik KAD, Jørgensen A, Jussinniemi L, Kulmala M, Vollsæter M, Kajantie E, Evensen KA. Motor Abilities in Adults Born With Very Low Birth Weight: A Study of Two Nordic Birth Cohorts. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024; In press. This joint Finnish-Norwegian birth cohort paper shoes for the first time substantially )up to -1 SD) poorer motor skills in middle-aged adults born preterm at very low birth weight. This is potentially highly impactful because motor skills constitute an ignored candidate mechanism of sedentary lifestyle.
3.    Heikkilä K, Metsälä J, Pulakka A, Nilsen SM, Kivimäki M, Risnes K, Kajantie E. Preterm birth and the risk of multimorbidity in adolescence: a multiregister-based cohort study. Lancet Public Health. 2023;8:e680-e690. IF 50.0. A register birth cohort study using data for 1.7 million people from Finland and Norway highlighting up to 4-fold risks of complex chronic disease multimorbidity in adolescents born preterm.
4.    Pulakka A, Risnes K, Metsälä J, Alenius S, Heikkilä K, Nilsen SM, Näsänen-Gilmore P, Haaramo P, Gissler M, Opdahl S, Kajantie E. Preterm birth and asthma and COPD in adulthood: A nationwide register study from two Nordic countries. Eur Respir J 2023;61:2201763. IF 33.801. The first observation of substantially (over 10-fold in high-risk groups) increased risk of chronic obstructive lung disease in adults born preterm, with impact on follow-up policies of people born very preterm.
5.    Risnes K, Bilsteen JF, Brown P, Pulakka A, Andersen AN, Opdahl S, Kajantie E, Sandin S. Mortality Among Young Adults Born Preterm and Early Term in 4 Nordic Nations. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jan 4;4(1):e2032779. IF 13.8. Clarivate highly-cited paper. Co-senior author in the first study from a EU-funded Nordic register study collaboration I initiated, showing increasing young adult mortality with decreasing gestational age at birth, consistently in 4 Nordic countries.
6.    Paalanne M, Vääräsmäki M, Mustaniemi S, Tikanmäki M, Wehkalampi K, Matinolli HM, Eriksson JG, Järvelin MR, Morin-Papunen L, Kajantie E. Clinical and biochemical signs of polycystic ovary syndrome in young women born preterm. Eur J Endocrinol 2021;185:279-288. doi: 10.1530/EJE-20-1462. IF 6.664. The first observation of endocrine traits associated with low fertility in adults born preterm.
7.    Räikkönen K, Gissler M, Kajantie E. Associations Between Maternal Antenatal Corticosteroid Treatment and Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Children. JAMA 2020;323:1924-1933. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.3937. IF 51.273. A register birth cohort study, using sibling analyses to account for familial confounding, showing increased risk of mental and behavioural disorders in children of mothers who received antenatal corticosteroids for imminent preterm birth. This paper has had a direct impact of international antenatal corticosteroid treatment guidelines.
8.    Kajantie E, Johnson S, Heinonen K, Anderson PJ, Wolke D, Evensen KAI, Räikkönen K, Darlow BA, van der Pal S, Indredavik M, Jaekel J, Hovi P, Morrison K, Verrips E, Doyle LW, APIC Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration. Common Core Assessments in follow-up studies of adults born preterm—Recommendation of the Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2021;35:371-387.doi:10.1111/ppe.12694. An expert recommendation on methods in studies of adults born preterm, an initiative I have headed in the Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration.
9.    Karvonen R, Sipola M, Kiviniemi A, Tikanmäki M, Järvelin MR, Eriksson JG, Tulppo M, Vääräsmäki M, Kajantie E. Cardiac Autonomic Function in Adults Born Preterm. J Pediatr 2019;208:96-103. IF 3.739. One of the first observations suggesting that altered cardiac autonomic function may play a role in non-communicable disease risk in adults born preterm.
10.    Kaseva N, Vääräsmäki M, Sundvall J, Matinolli HM, Sipola M, Tikanmäki M, Heinonen K, Lano A, Wehkalampi K, Wolke D, Ruokonen A, Andersson S, Järvelin MR, Räikkönen K, Eriksson JG, Kajantie E. Gestational diabetes but not prepregnancy overweight predicts for cardiometabolic markers in offspring twenty years later. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104:2785-2795. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-02743 IF 5.789. This is one of the few clinical follow-up studies able to disentangle the adult outcomes of intrauterine exposure to maternal obesity and gestational diabetes.
11.    Kaseva N, Vääräsmäki M, Matinolli HM, Sipola-Leppänen M, Tikanmäki M, Heinonen K, Lano A, Wolke D, Andersson S, Järvelin MR, Räikkönen K, Eriksson JG, Kajantie E. Pre-pregnancy overweight or obesity and gestational diabetes as predictors of body composition in offspring twenty years later – evidence from two birth cohort studies. Int J Obesity 2018;42:872-879. IF 5.487. Rank (Endocrinology & Metabolism): 19; (Nutrition & Dietetics): 5. This is one of the few clinical follow-up studies able to disentangle the adult outcomes of intrauterine exposure to maternal obesity and gestational diabetes.
12.    Räikkönen K, Martikainen S, Pesonen AK, Lahti J, Heinonen K, Pyhälä R, Lahti M, Tuovinen S, Wehkalampi K, Sammallahti S, Kuula-Paavola L, Andersson S, Eriksson JG, Ortega-Alonso A, Reynolds RM, Strandberg TE, Seckl JR, Kajantie E. Maternal licorice consumption during pregnancy and pubertal, cognitive and psychiatric outcomes in children. Am J Epidemiol 2017;185.317-328. IF 5.230. The first observation linking glycyrrhizin in liquorice, an endocrine disruptor, with offspring outcomes in adolescence. This paper had a direct impact on the Finnish nutrition recommendations for families with children. 
13.    Alenius S, Kajantie E, Sund R, Näsänen-Gilmore P, Vääräsmäki M, Gissler M, Hovi P. The missing siblings of infants born preterm: A register linkage study of the 1987-1990 Finnish Birth Cohort. Pediatrics 2018;141. IF 5.705. This paper shows that when a preterm baby is born to a family, the family is less likely to have consequtive children.
14.    Tikanmäki M, Tammelin T, Sipola-Leppänen M, Kaseva N, Matinolli HM, Miettola S, Eriksson JG, Järvelin MR, Vääräsmäki M, Kajantie E. Physical fitness in young adults born preterm. Pediatrics. 2016;137:1-10. IF 5.473. One of the first observations of reduced muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults born preterm, with implications for health promotion in this group.
15.    Hovi P, Vohr B, Ment L, Doyle L, McCarvey L, Morrison K, Evensen KA, van der Pal S, Grunau R, Brubakk AM, Andersson S, Saigal S, Kajantie E. Blood pressure in young adults born at very low birth weight - Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration. Hypertension 2016;68:880-887. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08167. IF 8.294. The first individual-participant meta-analysis of the Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration APIC I have initiated and am currently heading. This paper used data from 9 cohorts to assess clinical risk and protective factors of high blood pressure in VLBW adults.
16.    Kajantie E, Strang-Karlsson S, Hovi P, Wehkalampi K, Lahti J, Kaseva N, Järvenpää AL, Räikkönen K, Eriksson JG, Andersson S. Insulin sensitivity and secretory response in young adults born preterm – the Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;100:244-250. doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-3184. IF 6.310. Times cited: 50. A mechanistic study showing reduced insulin sensitivity in adults born VLBW, in young adult age still compensated by increased insulin secretion.
17.    Saarenpää HK, Tikanmäki M, Sipola-Leppänen M, Hovi P, Wehkalampi K, Siltanen M, Vääräsmäki M, Järvenpää AL, Eriksson JG, Andersson S, Kajantie E. Lung function in very low birth weight adults. Pediatrics 2015;136:642-650. IF 5.473. This study showed that while broncopulmonary dysplasia is a major risk factors for obstrictuve airways disease later in life, obstructive airflow is also seen in adults born preterm <1500 g who have not had BPD. It has had a direct impact on follow-up after very preterm birth.
18.    Kajantie E, Osmond C, Eriksson JG. Coronary heart disease and stroke in adults born preterm – The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2015;29:515-519. IF 3.131. Rank (Public, occupational & environmental health): 29. One of the first studies assessing the risk of manifest cardiovascular disease in old people born preterm.
19.    Sipola-Leppänen M, Vääräsmäki M, Tikanmäki M, Matinolli HM, Miettola S, Hovi P, Wehkalampi K, Ruokonen A, Sundvall J, Pouta A, Eriksson JG, Järvelin MR, Kajantie E. Cardiometabolic risk factors in young adults born preterm. AM J EPIDEMIOL 2015;181:861-873. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwu443 IF 4.975. Times cited: 127. The first publication on ESTER preterm birth cohort study I started to assess clinical risk factors of non-communicable and mental disorders in young adults born moderately-late preterm, which had been little if at all studied at that time. This study showed 2.5-fold rates of metabolic syndrome in young adults born at 34-36 weeks and 4-fold in those born at <34 weeks, compared with term-borns.
20.    Hovi P, Andersson S, Eriksson JG, Järvenpää AL, Strang-Karlsson S, Mäkitie O, Kajantie E. Glucose regulation in young adults with very low birth weight. N ENGL J MED 2007;356:2053-2063.IF 52.589. The first publication of the Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults birth cohort; the first demonstration of impaired glucose regulation in adults born preterm at very low birth weight that brought the idea of non-communicable disease risk factors in adults born preterm to the mainstream research agenda.

Kajantie Eero | Expertise

Reinikainen Jaakko | Expertise

Lehtola Sinna | Expertise

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