Culturally sensitive functioning measures in a mobile application – mobiTARMO

The mobiTARMO project aimed to provide support for early-phase integration measures and promote the identification of immigrants’ service needs. The project developed a culturally sensitive method for identifying and assessing functioning in the integration phase in Arabic, Kurdish, Somali, and Russian. In addition national guidelines and best practices for assessing functioning and work capacity of recently settled persons were created. The guidelines are meant for professionals who make assessments in the integration phase or in a relevant context. The guidelines are available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Culturally and linguistically suitable functioning measure
Choosing the suitable assessment tool may prove difficult if the language or society is unfamiliar to the client. All the tools for measuring functioning, such as self-assessment questionnaires, have been developed in a certain cultural context, and it may be difficult to find the correct language versions, if any, of the assessment tool.
The Abilitator® is a free self-assessment tool for measuring work and functioning of the working-age population. With the Abilitator it is possible for the respondent to get a better picture of their own situation, strengths, and follow the change in functioning. The Abilitator has been developed and is coordinated by the Solmu-project in the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).
The mobiTARMO project has translated the Abilitator in Arabic, Kurdish, Somali, and Russian. The cultural sensitivity of the questionnaire has been tested in the context of integration training. More information about the use of the language versions can be found from the Abilitator manual. The language versions are available from Finnish Institute of Occupational Health webpage and can be used on a mobile device.
Abilitator manual (Abilitator)
Guidelines for assessing functioning and work capacity of recently settled persons
Assessing functioning is done by many professionals. The assessment is done for different reasons, such as identifying the need for treatment and services, or recognizing the strengths and challenges of the client. The assessment of functioning is also legally required in order for the client to receive services and benefits.
National guidelines and best practices for assessing functioning and work ability of recently settled persons were created to provide support for the professionals. These guidelines help professionals who work with migrants and recently settled persons. The guidelines recommend that:
- The assessment of functioning and work ability should be performed using methods that are linguistically and culturally appropriate.
- The assessment of functioning and work ability should aim at so-called shared expertise, which involves both the client and the professional bringing their special competence to the assessment situation.
- The assessment of functioning and work ability should be comprehensive. It should pay attention to both individuals’ language skills, education and work history as well as their physical, mental, social and cognitive functional ability, coping with the activities of daily living, and environmental factors affecting functional ability.
- The assessment of functioning should be systematic and lead to the necessary further measures and case management.
The guidelines are available in English.
Recommendation for the assessment of functioning and work ability during the integration phase
The project was funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The organization responsible for the project was the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The project partner was Arffman Consulting Oy.
The project partnered with Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The Abilitator® developed and coordinated by the Solmu -co-ordination project in the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)
Shadia Rask
Reasearch Manager, THL
Telephone: +358 (0)29 524 8537
Email: [email protected]