
Activity descriptions, clippings, and photos concerning the Mobile Clinic field phases have been saved.

Implementation of the study

The Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examinetion Survey and the Mini-Finland Health Survey were carried out in 1965-1980. A short summary of the activity is presented in the book  ”Aromaa A, Heliövaara M, Knekt P, Reunanen A, Rinne S. The Mobile Clinic (In Finnish). National Institute for Health and Welfare and Social Insurance Institution. Helsinki 2006”.


The press alertly followed the arrival of the cars to the research sites. Ms. Pirkko Silanto, who was present from the early beginning in the Mobile Clinic activity, has gathered clippings, based on which the phases of the Mobil Clinic and its follow-up stage in 1960-1970 can be followed seen from the press point of view. During that time period health research strongly developed in Finland. We wish that the data presented here can be used in the historical research on the Finnish national health research.


During the field study, photos were taken concerning the cars and their facilities, the activities, the devices used, and the personnel.